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Added: 2008-05-23

< mwalling> when you take a shit and plug up the toilet, and subsiquent flushes overflow the bowl, your shit is an error

Added: 2008-05-22

<whatsgood> but where does mitnick hang out? i need to contact him
<drijen> #gitmo

Added: 2008-05-21

-!- sileni has joined ##c++
< sileni> hello what is a good ide to use in linux for C++
< sohail> emacs
< sileni> hmm ok thanks sohail
< JordiGH> sileni: Emacs takes a long time to get used to, but it's worth it
< sileni> ok thank you jordi
< sileni> I might as well start the proper way
< JordiGH> >:-)
< sileni> that actually looks sexy
-!- sileni has left ##c++
* JordiGH feels evil for swaying newbies towards his own religion.
< lamby> JordiGH: You're either completely evil or completely serious, I'm just trying to work out which.

Added: 2008-05-21

< kitche> oh man on foxnews guess what they showed in hungry
< jkwood> An a?

Added: 2008-05-21

<jetlag> I think those ssh things are held back because they clobber your ssh keys.
<mwalling> well they screwed up to begin with
*mwalling <3's Pat and his virgin source philosophy
<jkwood> He has a source for virgins.
<HoopyCat> you know how tough it is to find virgin sources these days?
<jkwood> ##slackware on freenode.
<@mikegrb> lolz
<mwalling> LOL
<HoopyCat> jkwood: please come over here right now and wipe the rooibos off of my monitor.
<mwalling> hey, between fred, straterra, and jkwood, do you know how many keyboards i've been through at work?

Added: 2008-05-20

<whatsgood> hmm i guess i should study for my lpi level 2
<whatsgood> just for kicks
<drijen> whatsgood, hehe we were talking about certs last night
<whatsgood> i just need a good late night cafe
<cpunches> im still procrastinating on collecting a few
<whatsgood> yeah they are fun to collect like buttons or something

Added: 2008-05-20

< nullboy> i have to get freaky with a linksys router tonight
< king_maverick> 12mb lets do it
< NullM0dem> mmhmm
< hurt> FREAK!

Added: 2008-05-20

< heret|c> she's uglier then sin rolled in shit and hit with an overgrown ugly stuck

Added: 2008-05-19

-!- dafyz [] has joined #debian-devel
< dafyz> existe-t'il un systeme de port (comme sous freebsd) pour debian?
< dafyz> a vrai dire la distrib est exellente pr le nombre d'application proposees
< dafyz> mais je dois avouer que je n'aime pas les packages en general
< dafyz> car je ne les trouvent pas du tout optimiser entre autre
< dafyz> ...
< jcristau> utilise gentoo alors

Added: 2008-05-19

< SpaceHobo> !calc number of horns on a unicorn over answer to life the universe and everything acres in cups per smoot
< linbot> SpaceHobo: number of horns on a unicorn over (answer to life the universe and everything acres) = 1,222,594,560 US cups per smoot
< StevenK> Blink
< cruxeternus> You win.
< CaptObviousman> what. the. hell.

There are 2270 quotes.