< straterra> WOMENZ dont want servers
< straterra> k?
< Merkabah> man i just got dicked
< hba> cool, with the uvcvideo driver my laptop webcam now works with kopete. This makes me horny, rworkman are you around?? ;)
airer-girl> lol um.. ntohing really im confused as to what to do next
<BP{k}> offer virgin goats
Soul_keeper: i guess it's my job to teach this noob stuff
<wishbie> !list
<ananke> silly people looking for silly bots...
<wishbie> join #overflow
<wishbie> !list
<edman007> wishbie, first time on irc?
<wishbie> Yes
<edman007> :)
<wishbie> I wish to know how to do
<ananke> wishbie : how to do _what_?
<wishbie> sharing films and mp3
<ArmOrAttAk> /kick
<ananke> wishbie : that has nothing to do with slackware
<ananke> wishbie : go to #warez
<spiki> ArmOrAttAk: you need to add $nickname
<wishbie> thank, bye
< jetlag> Can I run Xbox 360 games on my Linode 360?
< jkwood> Yes. Get cracking.
< jerojasro> hi. do you know any program/service that modifies the /etc/hosts file?
< ArmOrAttAk> vim
< jerojasro> hi. do you know any program/service that modifies the /etc/hosts file without any direct human intervention?
< mgrossie> So I discovered the vocals part in Rock Band can be done just by kind of moaning into the microphone.
< mgrossie> It made the song difficult, though, 'cause my guitarists kept cracking up.
< CaptObviousman> haha
< mgrossie> Nick said it was like having a dying seal as lead singer.
Cann0n: i seem to be having sudo problems
Cann0n: should my super user password be my root password?
Cann0n: i r confused
Cann0n: did anyone else have the problem
Cann0n: nvm
Cann0n: i r stupid