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Added: 2008-05-14

<@Branes> Lars_G: that's a pity. if I could figure out how to make rawrite work on Windows, I could do it that way
<@Branes> but alas, it doesn't have a GUI and the texty stuff is too cryptic for me to work out

Added: 2008-05-14

< mwalling> oh fuck me
< straterra> Mmm..ok baby..I've been waiting for this for a LONG time

Added: 2008-05-14

< HoopyCat> wow, crazy, googlebot is goin' at me at 2 pages per second
< jkwood> Web spiders have no manners these days. Googlebot could have at LEAST bought you a drink first.

Added: 2008-05-14

< num_lock3d> anyone knows how to install apt-get in slackware 12.1 ?

Added: 2008-05-14

< SpaceHobo> <-- also the openssl upstream devs are a bunch of clowns
< HoopyCat> SpaceHobo: why didn't the debian guy contact the right people? cripes. he should KNOW form TS-9812-Q sub version B's are to be sent (along with a context diff on EBCDIC-formatted 9-track tape) to the chicago lockbox via certified mail at least two months prior to making an adjustment to a quasicritical pseudorandom non-quantumized code datum!
< HoopyCat> the openssl-team autoresponder says as much
< path-> HoopyCat: how long did it take you to write that?
< HoopyCat> path-: uhh... i don't, err, time myself.

Added: 2008-05-14

elbeardmorez> so you are a developer.. a quick q please..
<elbeardmorez> i've only really used MS Visual Studio IDE to develop .net based solutions.. ..moving to Linux now, it's as if I know absolutely NOTHING!
<mbostwick89> netbean
<mbostwick89> and use wine for notepad++

Added: 2008-05-13

< straterra> The undisputed Noobfarm champion of the world...Thomas York with quote 1000! W00T!!

Added: 2008-05-13

< acidchild> WU-88175-73
< acidchild> Chloroform-d 99.8 atom % D (500ml)
-!- acidchild was kicked from ##slackware by slackboy [flood]
-!- acidchild [] has joined ##slackware
< acidchild> awe crap
< acidchild> i didn't mean to do that :-(

Added: 2008-05-13

<@fred> SuN: the ssl issue is /REALLY/ debian specific
<@fred> they patched the PRNG in openssl
<@fred> in a really bad way
<@fred> well, it's specific to private keys generated (and arguably, ones used but not generated) on debian systems
< SuN> Ohh, that's nasty.
< flrichar> yea the slashdot writeup said it was in the debian package
<@fred> /.: The trustworthy news source.
< NightTiger> The vuln applies to Debian-based distros also, like Ubuntu, kbuntu, and so on. Client keys. host keys. OpenVPN keys. It's going to be messy.
* NightTiger feels smug yet again.
<@fred> :)
< flrichar> lol
< Dominian> crap
< Dominian> then that means my SlamBuntu hybrid is screwed
< Dominian> </sarcasm>
< flrichar> you know, on other channels people chided me for running slackware ... saying it had no package management
< Dominian> heh
< flrichar> see, they jinxed themselves

Added: 2008-05-13

< straterra> CaptObviousman: fuck me in the ass and give me AIDS you big hunk of man meat!!
< CaptObviousman> umm
< CaptObviousman> no

There are 2270 quotes.