< BP{k}> okay, I have no fucking clue what Iwas thinking
( user___) I tried to install slackware 12.1 from with the source media as a partition but it fails..
< mwalling> straterra: i cant get sex to work
< straterra> I know how that feels :/
< scott> CaptObviousman: heres an article on it http://tinyurl.com/2o2wrb
< Chuckbot> Title: YouTube - RickRolled (at tinyurl.com)
< scott> bah
< fred> SUBTLE.
< CaptObviousman> way to be scott
< mwalling> CaptObviousman: you know the earth quake in china?
< CaptObviousman> mwalling: what about it
< mwalling> CaptObviousman: that was straterra falling out of bed
< CaptObviousman> laugh
< straterra> I dont have a bed, persay
< straterra> It's more of a wading pool..so that I don't crush myself under my own weight
-!- ron1n was kicked from ##slackware by slackboy [flood]
< andarius> and may the mighty boot fly
-!- ron1n [n=ron1n@] has joined ##slackware
< ron1n> wow that was werid
< ron1n> weird*
< andarius> why ?
< BP{k}> not really.
< ron1n> pidgin just froze
< ron1n> and when I came back I was kicked
< ron1n> was I flooding?
< BP{k}> 1) use a decent irc client 2) less enter, more substance ;)
< ron1n> yeah, alright reverting to bitchx
-!- ron1n [n=ron1n@] has left ##slackware []
< straterra> I thought you said decent, BP{k}
< BP{k}> straterra: so did I.
<|igm|not|> i am trying to use kismet on channel 1 only, but kismet -X -I rt2500:1 is not working
<|igm|not|> it is only scanning channel 1
<|igm|not|> any ideas why?
<jkwood> acidchild: N00b-eating zombie.
<jkwood> And that's how we like him.
* acidchild eats jkwood
<lotec> acidchild: omg spit jkwood out
<+Arimith> why don't women ski?
<@Pensicola> I don't know, but I have a feeling you're going to tell me
<+Arimith> there's no snow between the kitchen and the laundry
* Pensicola facepalms
* Zamboli has joined #guitars
<Zamboli> i joined the navy
<Zamboli> cause of the hats
<Zamboli> those sick hats
<Zamboli> the ones with lots of feathers
<Zamboli> i can't wait