<lonetron> how come its sstill askign for my password whe i ssh into localhost after i hit cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ?
< nullboy> but i'm just some IRC douche bag so take what I say with a grain
< rworkman> Hi. I don't have an toilet tissue on the roll. I have some sitting on the floor beside me, but not on the roll where I expect it. I need to wipe my ass. Please help.
< straterra> rworkman: I'd love to big boy ;)
< rworkman> Forget I said that.
< rworkman> I forgot you were here :D
<cHiOs> slackware requires time and patience, while you can be using ubuntu and not worry about some things.
<PennyCostco> slackware is from a previous age... ubuntu is the new thing
< BP{k}> nah. the closet of doom is based on tardis technology
< fred> BP{k}: I thought that closets of doom were traditionally based on a combination of tardis and tetris technology...
< BP{k}> fred++
<@caker> scott: I love you
< TwinReverb> big capacity usb sticks are the bomb
< TwinReverb> especially when they have encryption
< jkwood> TwinReverb: I just attach mine to a steel cable attached to my ankle. Who needs encryption?
< nullboy> i just swallow mine, but then i have to wait for a day or so to get my data back
( eclipseee) which serial keygen crack for slackware?
< fiyawerx> heh, thats neat - dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda
< snowmoon-work> poor man's drive wipe?
< fiyawerx> yeah
< snowmoon-work> if you are using debian then you can just use /dev/zero
< snowmoon-work> ;-)
<test34_> Is it possible to stream a screencast with sound in realtime using VLC ?
<drijen> test34_, ask vlc, not us
<test34_> vlc, please answer the question
<test34_> ..
* drijen facepalms