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Added: 2008-06-18

16:59:58 *** Zeeded_ has joined #Rohitab
17:00:09 < Zeeded_> ok i need help really quick
17:00:29 < Zeeded_> i just fucked up and pressed Alt+Ctrl+F1
17:00:38 <@evilfourzero> ??
17:00:42 < Zeeded_> and now im stuck in this fucking terminal
17:00:44 <@evilfourzero> rofl
17:00:46 <@evilfourzero> Zeeded_
17:00:50 < Zeeded_> yes
17:00:50 <@evilfourzero> ctr + alt + F7
17:01:05 < Zeeded> thanks dude

Added: 2008-06-17

<j720> any ideas on how to start python in gui mode?

Added: 2008-06-17

<jimisrvrox> how would I open .exe files in linux?
<jimisrvrox> Im trying to get flash for my linux box and for some reason the installer isnt opening
<flaran_> the linux installer .exe?
<jimisrvrox> yes
<flaran_> go into the terminal, and try typing sudo ./file.exe
<jimisrvrox> ok so linux by default blocks opening .exe files?

Added: 2008-06-16

<BigX> wow... I was about to ask a stupid question... really stupid... I'd been f'ing around trying to format a usb stick that was write protected... I couldn't see a switch or anything so I figured it was starting to die on me... anyway long story short after lots of cursing and command line foolishness I saw that indeed it did have a switch.... doh....
<BigX> time to get my eyes checked I guess

Added: 2008-06-16

<jsoftw> /bin/su: incorrect password
<jsoftw> ?
<jsoftw> (when run as root)
<jsoftw> Wtf do I need a password for.

Added: 2008-06-16

<cdehaan> Hello! Quick question -- on some computers, you can type their hostname into a browser to access them, others you must use the IP address... what makes this so?

Added: 2008-06-16

< Alan_Hicks> I'm not gonna involve myself in this conversation further for fear of being misquoted and noobfarmed.

Added: 2008-06-16

< Isvara> I was going to try Debian, but I couldn't find the Slackware package for it.

Added: 2008-06-14

< greymaus_> Hi
< greymaus_> just downloaded package xmms2*.tar.gz
< greymaus_> pkgtool would not deal with it until I renamed it *.tgz
< greymaus_> If anyone is interested, just thought I'd tell
< greymaus_> Bye!
-!- greymaus_ [] has left #slackbuilds []
< shasta> oh my
<+XGizzmo_> yeah
< shasta> greymaus will be disappointed when he finds out his xmms2 doesn't work
* XGizzmo_ *headdesk*

Added: 2008-06-12

< Manjaro> Hello
< Alucard> hi
< Manjaro> Anyone know what could be causing this when I try to start a process
< Manjaro> error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such
< Manjaro> file or directory
< Alucard> you're missing libssl
< Manjaro> Thats a simple enough answer I guess. All of the versions I seem to find are for Debian. I'm running Gentoo though.
< jkwood> *facepalm*

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