Fossa: my wiever does not work
< thrice`> ok, I need a house for around $50,000 in a good area of town, close to work, and preferably with a brewery built in
< ron1n> hey guys, a friend of mine went through some relationship problems, and his girlfriend changed his root password -_-
< ron1n> is there anyway to recover it?
< rworkman> Is she hot?
< ron1n> its weak, probably full english words
< rworkman> Oops, I'm supposed to be afk.
< ron1n> XD
< Lord_Khelben> haha rworkman :)
< Lord_Khelben> ron1n: there is
< ron1n> rworkman, IMHO yupp =D
< rworkman> But a girl who can figure out how to change a root password is worth investigating.
< Lord_Khelben> but it seems a bit odd that his gf would change the root password
< rworkman> ron1n: who cares, then? Go after her and forget your friend.
< ron1n> XD
< ron1n> rworkman, she doesn't know much, but she did figure out how to sudo su and passwd (apparently he didn't read the sudo page on the slackwiki page)
< ron1n> if she knows sudo su, she already knows too much
< jebuonag > I got my MSDN subscribtion today.
< SadShaggyBuffalo_> My deepest condolences.
* andarius uses closed source drivers for his thermonuclear nipple warmer :P
< BP{k}> oh my .. jess managed to get up on the couch and turn the telly on via the remote control ... and there is a show on about dogs and the first thing we see is a pink poodle.
* BP{k} gets worried about his dog.....
< jkwood> I thought about trying emacs, but I only have a dual core.
< MaZ-> holy shit im crying here
< MaZ-> i just had the police come round hahaha
< pi_> tasered you?
< MaZ-> lol no
< MaZ-> i took some code down off a site and moved it to my own domain
< MaZ-> and someone got a little pissy
< MaZ-> :|
< Sesshomaru> Super Mario is for kids
< Shizuo> Yes
< jkwood> Sesshomaru: Kids of all ages.
< Shizuo> I use it to attract my victims
< Shizuo> Bhaawahhaahah
< Sesshomaru> unfunny
< Shizuo> Yes
< LnxSlck_> Shizuo, so i take it you're a pedophile?
< Sesshomaru> pedos aren't funny
< Shizuo> No
< Dominian> wth
< Shizuo> I'm a videogame retailer
< Shizuo> You have a dirty mind :/
< LoganTheRed> jkwood: let's go play 'school girl and guy who has sex with school girl'