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Added: 2008-11-06

< heret|c> i'm installing gentoo on my acoustic guitar

Added: 2008-11-06

< mughi> err.. memory fail.. $86/paycheck
< mughi> dunno where i got 175
< CaptObviousman> out of your ass
< dr3am3r> that sounds painful
< CaptObviousman> dude, if I could pull $175 every other week out of my ass, i wouldn't care how much it hurt
< mughi> CaptObviousman: i keep all the good stuff in there
< CaptObviousman> because, hey, free money!
< mughi> CaptObviousman brings new meaning to money laundering

Added: 2008-11-05

<mughi> no.. you spelled idoit correctly.. but you did spell idiot wrong.. again.. twice

Added: 2008-11-04

< ThomasY> gang rape me..and I'll admit i got gangraped

Added: 2008-11-03

< mwalling> drijen: shes stalking heret|c to make sure he's not going after the little boys again
< fred> :o where's mine?

Added: 2008-11-03


Added: 2008-11-03

< abby> Personally, I like a little porn now and again

Added: 2008-11-03

< pprkut> i have no porn! ew! perveerts!

Added: 2008-11-02

< macavity> HELLO!!! I'm Linsay LOHAAAAN!

Added: 2008-11-02

< jkwood> That hostmask just looks so familiar.
< hiptobecubic> nonsense
< macavity> ?
< hiptobecubic> ?
< BP{k}> !
< XGizzmo> ^
< macavity> _
< hiptobecubic> `
< Old_Fogie> +
< macavity> ©
< chopp> ~
< jkwood> %
< hiptobecubic> this is a great segue into my next question
< Old_Fogie> fail! you ruined our dialog :)
< jkwood> YOU RUINED IT
* macavity cries out loud
< macavity> *sob*
< hiptobecubic> oh sorry
< hiptobecubic> =
< Old_Fogie> pestering us with these questins, in a support forum :(
< hiptobecubic> :D
< Old_Fogie> hahah
< macavity> lol
< hiptobecubic> \\o/
< Old_Fogie> /0\\

There are 2270 quotes.