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Added: 2008-11-02

< straterra> My girlfriend doesn't wear panties..and she isn't homeless

Added: 2008-11-02

< mwalling> i like poo

Added: 2008-11-02

<nix_chix0r> i let people get in my box all the time

Added: 2008-10-29

< nix_chix0r> brb gota turn the fetus for basting

Added: 2008-10-29

<Dominian> rworkman: but I like doing it by hand :P
<Dominian> helps understanding mkinitrd imho
<rworkman> Yes, and people like using csh.
* Dominian shrugs
<rworkman> Oops, that slipped. ;-)
<Dominian> You have your way.. I have mine.
<rworkman> Poopyhead.
<ron1n> oh snap

Added: 2008-10-29

< ubunturos> i want to uninstall opensuse 11.0 do i do it from
within opensuse

Added: 2008-10-26

<neobsd> in order to optimize the useage of memory
<neobsd> procesador
<neobsd> i need a lite + qickly OS
<neobsd> some idea ?
<hba> neobsd: plan9 ;)
<neobsd> plan9?
<alienBOB> neobsd: everytime you press that ENTER key when it is not needed, Bob will kill a kitten
<FriedBob> alienBOB: Which Bob? Or is it all Bob's? If so, pass th kittens.

Added: 2008-10-25

< Cann0n> is there an official site for goggle?

Added: 2008-10-25

<ron1n_> is it wired?
<ron1n_> or wireless
<perlsyntax> nope it on a network

Added: 2008-10-23

* drijen stabs CaptObviousman
* CaptObviousman deflects with a waffle iron
* drijen rebounds with a saucepan
* CaptObviousman closes drijen's hand in the waffle iron painfully
* drijen notes the lack of pain, as CaptObviousman has not turned it on
* drijen strips it from CaptObviousman's grip and bonks him with it
<CaptObviousman> it still pinches you when closed
<CaptObviousman> unless you have paper thin hands
* rob0 muses about the place of a waffle iron in Rock Paper Scissors
<CaptObviousman> well, it's right here: Rock Papwaffle ironer Scissors

There are 2270 quotes.