< nullboy> what do you call a dog with no hind legs and steel balls?
< mwalling> your mom?
* LoganTheRed_ has to take a massive shit but doesn't wanna do it until after he clocks back in to work
***Couple of Minutes Later***
LoganTheRed_> brb, gonna clock in before my ass explodes
<thrice`> ?
<rob0> LoganTheBrown
( antler) Zordrak: can't a man be curious about another man's package?
<x-ip> ea ea pepe
<x-ip> llego la alegria de la fiesta (?)
<TwinReverb> #slackware-br
<nachox> it's spanish
<nachox> and it will be the last spanish words he uses here unless he wants a really short party
<rhys> wait. Poor mexicans get short parties? no wonder they are trying to cross the border
<nachox> rhys, that is out of order! you know mexicans are actually trying to import proper parties to the us... there is no party without some tequila shots
<rhys> explains why the parties are so short.
< nullboy> fred: how deep should i go?
<fred> that depends on the woman :p
* fred runs and hides
[ shmay] do I need to have my linode running in order to ssh into it?
[ SelfishMan] yes
[@caker] srsly?
[ A-KO] wow
< Rusty1> keep thinking of the congressman who warned of a 8,000 dow if they didnt pass the bailout
< Peikko> heh
< Peikko> 7000 if they do.
Fjorn <politics>: It'll take a huge cock to change the American psyche
Fjorn <politics>: Err, shock
Fuze [politics]: ...
< mikko777> gwash: i think im gay
< gwash> mikko777: i think so too
< demantik> mikko777: don't tell everyone..before you know it, everyone
will want to be gay
< mikko777> gwash: if ive never tried men but cant get women either does
it mean im gay?
< demantik> it means you're extremely ugly
< straterra> I have 24Gb free on my iPod..I need to put goat porn on it