<ananke> and at the end of the day, the most important thing is that
you know how to use your tool
<_chess_> that's one way to put it
< Tirili2today> How can I convert an .img file into .iso?
< alisonken1> loop mount the .img file, then build an iso from that
< Dominian> Wow.. google Results 1 - 10 of about 503,000
13:32:15 < Zordrak> Camarade_Tux: Ubuntu Cola? Is that like Ipecac?
< mwalling> 3) yes. i like buttsecks with straterra
< Isvara> All this talk of big tools and no straterra?
<Carpathia> how can i remove the first 5 lines of a file? its 2.5G so I cant edit it easily
<PrettyConfused> honestly, I couldn't tell you
<Carpathia> i think sed is capable of it, i just dont know how :(
<da1l6> Carpathia. tail -N -11 could do it. never tried, though
<Carpathia> hm dal16, i dont know how many lines are in the line
<Carpathia> in the file
<da1l6> Carpathia, negative values should make it start at that offset (so the --help says) so -n -11 would start at line 11 for example
<Carpathia> tail -n -1 just does the same as tail -n 1
<Carpathia> ahh got it, so simple sed '1,5d' filename
< Eno_> is it true all slackware users are enormous?
* thrice` is debating giving Fedora 10 a test run
<CaptObviousman> but ... why?
<drijen> RPM is the devil, mk
<thrice`> it looks sexy
<drijen> no
<drijen> it doesn't
<thrice`> they do kernel mode setting stuff
<andarius> so do some prostitutes. doesnt mean they are safe :(
-!- ubuntu [n=ubuntu@pool-XX-XX-XXX.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined
<CaptObviousman> gah killit killit
* CaptObviousman stabs ubuntu repeatedly in the groin with a wooden duck
<ubuntu> OW OW OW OW OW
* ubuntu cries
< isacklow> did you know that if the router doesn't have a network wire to the internet no one can get out?
< isacklow> doh