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Added: 2009-08-16

< jeev> i dont see the changes here but i have to fart
< jeev> i duno how that related but i wanted to say it anyway
< elderK> Sweet, full screen.
< elderK> And cheers, fire|bird
< elderK>
< fire|bird> good find elderK :)
< eviljames> all your code r belong to goog
< elderK> Here's hoping that it compiles and runs happy on OSX's Xquartz.
< elderK> :)
< fire|bird> elderK: good luck :)
< MLanden> Feel better ,jeev?
< elderK> btw, what the hell is slipscrolling?
< jeev> no i cant fart where i'm at
< jeev> it went away temporarily
< MLanden> sorry to hear,jeev...:C
< jeev> tell me about it
< jeev> i hate holding it in
< eviljames> just blast it out & blame it on the dog
< eviljames> or girlfriend, whatever's handy.

Added: 2009-08-14

<Minerdave-a-saur|live1> aw fuck
<Minerdave-a-saur|live1> >.>
<Aerialman> ...
<Aerialman> don't say bad words
<Minerdave-a-saur|live1> i'll fuckin swear if a fuckin want tae
<Minerdave-a-saur|live1> :)
<WorldEater> ahahahahahahha
<Aerialman> haha so funny...;/
<captnau> <3 dave
<Aerialman> +G don't work
<Aerialman> i set myself +G, it doesn't work
<Aerialman> what is the point of this channel anyway?
<WorldEater> group masturbation
<Aerialman> ok bye...
* Aerialman (bizjetjr@<hostname deleted>) has left #eve-radio (You people have to get a life. Bad words don't make you cool.)

Added: 2009-08-11

<dive> anyone ever read timecube from top to bottom?
<slackytude> dive, mad people everywhere
<agentc0re|work> dive: Yes. made it to page 3.
<slackytude> I rest my case

Added: 2009-08-10

(Discussing a Newsweek article

< CaptObviousman> I can't read that GI Joe article anymore. The insipid stupidity of the article is greatly magnified by the comments
< CaptObviousman> a true competitor to youtube
< mgrossie> Be warned, that temporary blindness may be due to cerebral hemmorage, as your brain tries to throw itself out of your skull..

Added: 2009-08-10

* slackytude slowly fades into background
< nick4> slackytude like aYann Tiersen song :P
< wintery> slackytudeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
< wintery> nooooooooo
* slackytude fades into foregorund
* slackytude slaps wintery
* slackytude slowly fades into background
< wintery> fsking gay lurkers

Added: 2009-08-09

<Aaron> meterpreter + use sniffer = jizzed in my pants
* pure_hate has kicked Aaron from #remote-exploit (pure_hate)
* Aaron has joined #remote-exploit
<Aaron> i should turn auto rejoin off ....
<pure_hate> You should wash your mouth out with soap

Added: 2009-08-09

<shanepardue> This channel simply tracks user's connects and disconnects from the world wide web. That's all.

Added: 2009-08-08

< TwinReverb> my parents beat me when i was stupid and it helped me not be stupid so i don't see the harm

Added: 2009-08-07

<balding_parrot> they say people need their beauty sleep,,,,,, I guess that's why we are all fugly

Added: 2009-08-07

-!- missyjane is now known as ignored-girl
< ignored-girl> k
< straterra> Jesus christ
< straterra> You might as well go cut yourself, put on a bunch of black clothes and listen to Three Days Grace
< eviljames> straterra: Best thing I've heard all week.

There are 2270 quotes.