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Added: 2009-09-10

<macavity> has anyone managed to build nxagent?
<macavity> it looks completely obfuscated
* Emanon ( has joined ##slackware
<Emanon> grr my partition setup didnt go too well so now im back on kubuntu and not thrilled
<mancha> i did a while ago, don't recall that many headaches
<Emanon> well iff i do it like a normal person it works fine
<slava_dp> alien had packages for nx iirc
<macavity> booohooo.. no SBo for nxagent :P
<Emanon> tried to install slack 13 on a encrypted lvm over a raid with boot partition on a removable drive and it didnt obey me hehe
<slava_dp> will this suit you? > macavity
<Cann0n> I haven't installed 13. Any great reasons to upgrade from 12.2?
<Emanon> 64 bit
<Emanon> and kde4 by default
<Emanon> new kernel
<Emanon> and dev packages
<mancha> they probably also have rpm's if you don't mind not compiling it yourself
<Emanon> nah but added .tkz files (as opposed to .tgz)
<Emanon> if i remember what i read correctly
<Emanon> or txz or something
<slava_dp> lol
<slava_dp> :D
<Emanon> oh the rpm wasnt about the slack 13 comment was it?