< CaptObviousman> I'm debating if I want to go to this party tonight
< ninjabox> Will there be troubled girls just begging to be deflowered?
< ninjabox> sry, wasn't supposed to hit enter
<hiptobecubic> firefox keep segfaulting
<hiptobecubic> hfjardim, won't that tank your profile also?
<fire|bird> hiptobecubic: It sure will, bookmarks, everything.
<hiptobecubic> it's even crashing in -safe-mode
<hfjardim> definitely will take everything away, back it up first and give it a go.
<fire|bird> hiptobecubic: I would guess that's something beyond just ~/.mozilla then, but I could be wrong, if you go the route of removing that, backup first, then if the issue isn't solved, you can put it all back.
<Pig_Pen> at least save the bookmarks.html if nothing else
<hiptobecubic> moving .mozilla didn't solve anything
<hiptobecubic> god this is like being back in 2007
<fire|bird> hiptobecubic: Does it segfault only when you go to a certain site, when, for example, flash is used, or just randomly?
<hiptobecubic> randomly
<fire|bird> straced it?
<hiptobecubic> oh goddamnit
<hiptobecubic> i killed my ff profile
<fire|bird> did you backup first?
<hiptobecubic> well i thought so
<hiptobecubic> well shit.
< IPv6Freely> I got scammed on ebay. I paid $10.85 + $3.99 shipping for Rock Band. The packing list that came with my game was from newegg.
< IPv6Freely> Newegg has Rock Band for $9.99 and free shipping. that fucker just made $4.85 off me! >:(
< Plazma-Rooolz> i think this qualifies fora FFFFUUUU
< Jenkens> lol
< tanner> bleh
< Tophat> hahahahahhahahahhaha
< ^Michael> owned
<Dougdoug4> I'm not Burger King
<Dougdoug4> and I'll be DAMNED
<Dougdoug4> if you have it your way
acidchild: i need to cut my hair too sigh
acidchild: i could probably clean my ass with my hair atm
rhynnah: watching you guys talk makes me wonder if i actually can speak english at all :(
agentc0re: it works fine on 13.0 though.
spook: rhynnah: we dont speak english
agentc0re: rhynnah: eh? i don't know what the hell you're trying to say.
spook: rhynnah: we speak slackwish
rhynnah: i see...
acidchild: rhynnah: spook has issues with his mouth, only cock will go in, no words can come out
agentc0re: i'd laugh if he kicked himself.
fire|bird: lol
fire|bird left the room (Kicked by bleeding|edge (Spark fyrir reglubrot (repeat:1 total:1))).
fire|bird [n=fire|bir@unaffiliated/firebird619] entered the room.
mode (+o fire|bird ) by ChanServ
mode (+v fire|bird ) by bleeding|edge
agentc0re: The irony
fire|bird: no, but I just did. :P
fire|bird: damn
fire|bird: It said in the script I was immune from that. :P
<+straterra> It puts the lotion on its skin..
<+straterra> Or else it gets the gag again
<cmacis> I've just downloaded a .deb. What do I need to install so debian will install it?
<valdyn> cmacis: which .deb?
<Kamping_Kaiser> sacrifice a goat
<korhojoa> :D
<cmacis> http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/unetbootin
<valdyn> cmacis: having to use a .deb directly implies that either you or the guy supplying it does not use debian properly
<korhojoa> the only way it will work is to use dpkg -i <name of .deb> <name of goat>
<Urchlay> bleah. X is probably working as well as it ever will on that box.
<MLanden> Urchlay, what rez?
<Urchlay> Xv works, including fullscreen mplayer that doesn't skip
<Urchlay> 1280x1024. Turns out Xv just plain doesn't work at 1600x1200 on that card... and satan-spawned HAL-enabled X server didn't want to admit the monitor could do any other res, until I attacked it with holy water and custom ModeLines in xorg.conf