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Added: 2010-07-09

<+raela> man.. you know it's time to do dishes when you're eating out of measuring cups and tupperware
<+raela> I go through too many bowls :P
<+raela> man, back in undergrad in the dorms, I only had one bowl
<+raela> also I was too lazy to take it to the bathroom so I only rinsed it once a week :D
<+raela> err
<+raela> I mean in that we didn't have a sink
<+raela> so I would just have leftover milk in it
<+BP{k}> ...
<+Necos> yuck
<+fire|bird> that's just....
<+Necos> unsanitary?
<+Necos> forget the fact that i'm lactose intolerant...
<+fire|bird> lol
<+fire|bird> imagine the mold in that one poor bowl.
<+raela> hey it got used daily. and didn't kill me
<+raela> I didn't get sick, either
<+raela> sometimes I put spaghettios over top of the milk, too :D
<+raela> never did do milk over spaghettios
<+fire|bird> may not have gotten sick, but may explain why you are the way you are today. :P
<+raela> nah, trust me, I was like this before

Added: 2010-07-08

02:19 <+fire|bird> hey Cann0n
02:22 <+Cann0n> how goes it fire|bird?
02:23 <+fire|bird> goes alright, you?
02:23 <+Cann0n> been on a real workout kick
02:24 <+Cann0n> i walk/jogged 5 miles tonight
02:24 <+Cann0n> i actually used my feet for something else other than skateboarding and picking up shit when i'm barefoot

Added: 2010-07-08

<SunTzu> hep hep hep; i need to use perl to test if a file is -r (test's) how?
<raela> probably easy to google
<SunTzu> prolaby, but i wanna chat too :)
<SunTzu> interactive hep
<raela> google'd be faster
<SunTzu> dont be stingy with your knowlege
<SunTzu> if you know someth then pls answer
<raela> I don't have the knowledge. I'd have to google. I would google if it were my question
<SunTzu> then dont talk to me
<SunTzu> ignored
<raela> haha
<SunTzu> anyone else?

Added: 2010-07-07

< dustybin> adaptr: sensors-detect created a new dir
< dustybin> /etc/sysconfig/
< dustybin> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 608 Jul 7 20:25 lm_sensors
< adaptr> weird, it didn't for me
< dustybin> eek
< adaptr> anyway, run sensors-detect, and copy-paste its output into wherever you want to autoload from
< dustybin> maybe this could be the work of a malicious viral infection?

Added: 2010-07-01

< Azeotrope> would fluxbox run w/o X?
< mancha> heh

Added: 2010-07-01

< dustybin> lmsensors comes with the full slackware 13.1 install
< dustybin> i run sensors-detect
< dustybin> but it did not create a /etc/rc.d/rc.lmsensors file
< dustybin> Do you want to generate /etc/sysconfig/lm_sensors? (yes/NO): YES
< dustybin> Copy prog/init/lm_sensors.init to /etc/init.d/lm_sensors
< dustybin> i cannot locate lm_sensors.init anywhere
< dustybin> could this be the work of a virus or something worse?

Added: 2010-06-30

<briareus> thanks MLanden I think this pcmanfm will work just fine
<MLanden> briareus, which version are you using?
<briareus> which version of what?
<briareus> /bin/sh: /etc/slackware-version: Permission denied
<briareus> Slackware

Added: 2010-06-28

<@bob_deep> never got into Dr. Who
<@amrit|wrk> who?
<@bob_deep> huh
<@amrit|wrk> i dunno, somethin about first base
* Alan_Hick prefers third.
<@bob_deep> Alan_Hick....why do i know that name...
< Alan_Hick> What a perfect nick to ask that question

Added: 2010-06-27

<dartmouth> is that sort of like spending the majority of our time doing something wholly inhuman and unnatural and expecting our personalities not to adapt (or maladapt) in similar manners in most instances of that? look inward, buddy.
<alienBOB> Working on Slackware is inhuman?
<alienBOB> How interesting. Lucky for me I am an alien then
<dartmouth> hah :P

Added: 2010-06-27

dartmouth: alienBOB, after looking more into it, i think its an issue with the generated configuration files and not compiz
dartmouth: *wouldn't know
alienBOB: dartmouth: I think I will do better just ignoring you

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