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Added: 2010-06-23

<crocket> slava_dp: wget is not very good.
<Mel-nix> crocket: Why?
<crocket> Mel-nix : It is not capable of downloading a directory from alienBOB's repository.

Added: 2010-06-23

* NightTiger is sorry AMD bought ATI and not nVidia
<crocket> sahko : many laptops have ATI cards.
* Alan_Hicks is sorry he doesn't have enough money to buy ATI and open source their drivers.
<crocket> Is ATI not the same as radeon?

Added: 2010-06-23

<leontopod> vesa is just an extra layer of crap, right?

Added: 2010-06-22

< ioan> hi. can ssh tunneling be made over udp?

Added: 2010-06-19

<adrien> crocket: take a look at mesa.SlackBuild
<crocket> adrien : There is no mesa.SlackBuild in

Added: 2010-06-17

< leontopod> what do I do with the google earth.bin file once I download it?
< Skywise> i'm sure google has an explanation somewhere, if only there was a way to find it

Added: 2010-06-14

<adrien> it's a pic of a slackware 3 CD set: , anyone know why that animal? (if there's any reason)
<alisonken1noc> not sure - that was before my first slackware cd purchase
<Zordrak> it would appear to be a duck-billed platypus
<Zordrak> Famous for being one of only two mammals that lay eggs
<Zordrak> Whether that's significant or not I don't know.
<Scuzz> lol
<Scuzz> thats what happens when ducks and penguins have sex

Added: 2010-06-12

< dartmouth> and its been so long since ive troubleshooted audio issues in linux that im now ignorant to it

Added: 2010-06-11

< rabies> you know, I have read it acouple times. then my brain switches to hotshot mode and I over look the important things
< rabies> that brings me to this room, making a fool of myself cause I didnt reread everything

Added: 2010-06-09

< Cann0n> mishehu: i've been using ati for about 12 years now
< Cann0n> i've seen just as many people bitch about nvidia drivers as ati drivers
< evanton> Cann0n: did you count them? :)
< evanton> Cann0n: if you wanna talk statistics, you have to have big numbers :)
< Cann0n> evanton: fuck you. /ignored

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