<+raela> man.. you know it's time to do dishes when you're eating out of measuring cups and tupperware
<+raela> I go through too many bowls :P
<+raela> man, back in undergrad in the dorms, I only had one bowl
<+raela> also I was too lazy to take it to the bathroom so I only rinsed it once a week :D
<+raela> err
<+raela> I mean in that we didn't have a sink
<+raela> so I would just have leftover milk in it
<+BP{k}> ...
<+Necos> yuck
<+fire|bird> that's just....
<+Necos> unsanitary?
<+Necos> forget the fact that i'm lactose intolerant...
<+fire|bird> lol
<+fire|bird> imagine the mold in that one poor bowl.
<+raela> hey it got used daily. and didn't kill me
<+raela> I didn't get sick, either
<+raela> sometimes I put spaghettios over top of the milk, too :D
<+raela> never did do milk over spaghettios
<+fire|bird> may not have gotten sick, but may explain why you are the way you are today. :P
<+raela> nah, trust me, I was like this before