<+tinsoldier> ⏱﹖﹥ Trivia (easy): In the hexadecimal system, what number comes after 9?
<tinwhiskers> 0
<tinwhiskers> a
<+tinsoldier> ⏱﹖﹥ Puzzle hint: _ h_ L_ _ _ _ _ _
<+tinsoldier> ⏱﹖﹥ Time's up. The answer was 'The Letter A'.
<MrMattsmind> lol
<tinwhiskers> dooood
<drijen> maldridge: <redacted> (the corp that does $gov_entity) keeps track of their IP addresses on excel spreadsheets
<maldridge> well how else will they plug them into microsoft access
<^m> come on i just ate
<m_wynn> You ever shave a yak so bad you're making pull requests to improve your text editor's indentation?
21:45 <aedinius> oh, heh, you're not in #zfsbootmenu ... so we're talking about how I'm going to die in a nuke blast, and ericonr brings up aliens
<maldridge> I have A/C volts across my lawn
<ahesford> if your computer chips taste bad, just add a salt
<unixbsd_1> why not trying the freebsd kernel or linux os clones to keep 386 and 486 on modern slack?
14:53 <andarius> Looks like I managed to avoid being noobfarmed for 4 years solid! :o
<Guest4934> How do I @ someone?
-- Guest4934 is now known as airplane
-- airplane is now known as transportation
-- transportation is now known as transport
-- transport is now known as train
-- train is now known as sneaker
<manicennui> sneaker: Most IRC clients will alert on any mention of one's nick in any form.
-- sneaker is now known as transportation
<transportation> I just learned to set my nick
<Vaelatern> That... suddenly explains things
<Vaelatern> Welcome to IRC!
<-- transportation (~textual@...) has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
<jeaye> Learned how to /quit
<tdfischer> I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Freenode, is in fact, Lee/Freenode, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Freenode plus Blockchain. Freenode is not an irc network unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning corporatocracy made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital community leaders