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Added: 2011-12-18

<new_at_slackware> I havent used windows for 2 years now, just various distros of linux...and I still dont have a clue...Its like being homeless...i dig it!

Added: 2011-12-06

<+Dominian> aceofspa1es19: You sir, can fuck right off
+aceofspa1es19> Dominian: go fuck yourself with a knife
<+Dominian> aceofspa1es19: go fuck yourself with a rotary dialed phone
<+adaptr> Dominian: is he allowed to take the horn separately ?
<+Dominian> adaptr: nope
<+Dominian> all at once
<+Dominian> He's a big enough asshole, it should fit

Added: 2011-11-29

< thrice`> black belt + shoes are appropriate for charcoal pants, no?
< thrice`> looks weird to me
< BP{k}> why are your pants charcoaled? or don't we want to know? ;)
< andarius> To soak up the pee :o

Added: 2011-11-28

* Delahunt likes the female supervisors that come to his office, have sex with him on the desk, get dressed, say they'll see me at 5 pm, and leave and come back at 5 pm :P
<+Alan_Hicks> Delahunt: I didn't realize you could train sheep that well.

Added: 2011-11-22

<+BP{k}> heels > flats.
<+Dominian> BP{k}: er.. uhh
<+Dominian> BP{k}: you not telling us something?
<+antiwire> lol

Added: 2011-11-22

<+adrien> let's have sex together
<+antiwire> XD
<+adrien> we won't tell anyone if you're not confortable with that

Added: 2011-11-18

-!- antiwire [~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire] has joined ##slackware-offtopic
-!- mode/##slackware-offtopic [+v antiwire] by AgentAnderson
<+antiwire> guys
<+antiwire> I have something absolutely unreal to tell you.
<+Olfway> you got laid?

Added: 2011-11-13

<Spitfire> For every message you send there's a 3/10 probability that I'll laugh.
<bikcmp> i see
<bikcmp> that's cool
<Spitfire> lol
<bikcmp> oh you suck
<Spitfire> :P
<bikcmp> really, stop it
<bikcmp> :(
<Spitfire> Haha

Added: 2011-11-02

< ScreamerX> is slackware dead?
< Skywise> yes
< Skywise> we're all here in mourning
< ScreamerX> is there any replacement available?
< Skywise> it was one of a kind
< ScreamerX> was?
< Skywise> its dead now
< ScreamerX> which distribution?
< Skywise> slackware

Added: 2011-10-29

<bikcmp> JStoker: hm. any other distro's worth peeking at?
<bikcmp> aside from debian.
<JStoker> debian

There are 2270 quotes.