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Added: 2012-08-06

+Roin | off to bed good night o/
+Soul_keeper | take raela or adrien with you :)
+raela | adrien is the better choice
@adrien| I fart in bed
+raela | I also happen to fart in my sleep so hey
+raela | I am not the safe coice!
+raela | adrien, when I am hungry, I get farty. they smell like sour milk. I can't lie to nil about being hungry :(
+raela | the farts tell all
+MajObviousman | dear god this is comedy gold

Added: 2012-08-05

<+Soul_keeper> Old Mother Hubbard went to her cupboard ...
<+Soul_keeper> To get her old dog a bone And when she bent over, Rover took over! She got a bone of her own.
<+Soul_keeper> good ol' nursery rhymes apply to mars.

Added: 2012-08-05

In the middle of the night from saturday to sunday:

Charlos > [~charlos@] joins #radeon
Charlos : Hello all
Charlos : are there online ?
Charlos : RV710 Radeon HD 4350/4550
Charlos : how to make install this driver ?
Charlos : my version in OpenSuse 10.3
Charlos : help me please... Im Paola
Charlos | changes nick to Paola

Added: 2012-08-04

< Tadgy> When the Olympics has the womens' world squirting event, i'll be interested.

Added: 2012-07-30

<+kullix> why do you think someone would want to be a proctologist? thats a lot of crops to dust

Added: 2012-07-29

<+dive> it enters the room 10 mins before the rest of me

Added: 2012-07-27

<tightwork> the new IRCwatchers diet
<tightwork> ship a bootable cd that launches user into freenode
<tightwork> #defocus

Added: 2012-07-25

<+krizzo> NyteOwl: Yep that's why MS gives their server and other software for free to students. Hoping they learn it and only stick with what they know.
<NyteOwl> yes - viral/parasitc marketing it its highet form
<NyteOwl> liek giving crack to kids so they'll buy it as adults

Added: 2012-07-24

«+ Fatalnix» WTF
«+ Fatalnix» there appears to be a colony of ants living in my Thinkpad

Added: 2012-07-23

khodam | folks , I upgrade my system to current and when reboot system my mouse and keyboard disabled. in console messages i got error about missing of mod probe. how fix that?

...a few minutes later...

rworkman | khodam: I help build Slackware, and I read the ChangeLog. alienBOB helps build Slackware, and he reads the ChangeLog. Patrick *builds* Slackware, and he even reads his ChangeLog. We expect the same of our users. :)

There are 2270 quotes.