<Dominian> so sick of my name today
<Dominian> lol
<Kellin> Dominian:
<Kellin> Dominian:
<FriedBob> Hey you!
<MajObviousman> hey Asspike McShitserface
rworkman: Marriage is like a walk in the park.
rworkman: Jurassic Park.
nooper: i don't like to do backups. also, i hate not having backups. what do?
aceofspades1: 1. obtain cactus
aceofspades1: 2. take off your pants
aceofspades1: 3. shove the cactus in your asshole
Concerning Chris Punches, a.k.a. cpunches, a.k.a. dartmouth a.k.a. many others...
< sodomy> TommyC: I know.. it's hard to believe he was bread rather than spawned.
< TommyC> sodomy: Must've been one hell of a yeast infection.
< rob0> lol
< sodomy> TommyC: A yeast infection can be cured...
<fuzzbawl> MY servers don't have that affliction. Shit is backed up in three spots three different ways. Disk snapshot and replicated to secondary SAN, Bacula to primary and twice a week Bacula replicates (replicate job) to a secondary bacula in a different state
<fuzzbawl> but who needs that shit? YOLO RAID!
<Dominian> YOLO
<rob0> YOLO
<fuzzbawl> someone hit the electronic air horn button and let's get some drunk white girls covered in glitter, desperation and college debt in here doing body shots
<Ztag100> Any ideas what distros are working well on tablets? I have a venue 11 pro, and I'm trying to figure out what I want to run on it.
<devslash> Im trying to mount my windows partition in linux. My windows partition is on an SSD configured as raid0. I did fdisk -l and it appears as sda1. when i mount it it says special device /dev/sda1 does not exist
<Ztag100> It looks like ubuntu is compatible, but I'm not sure if anyone knows a distro with a good tablet + laptop interface....
<devslash> Ztag100, ios
<gsaul> devslash: -_-
<Ztag100> devslash: brilliant
<drijen> i overpaid for it, hardcore
<drijen> and its too small
<drijen> so i'm so mad i want it gone so i don't have to look at my failure anymore
<argonaut> are we still talking about your dick
<drijen> damn
* drijen looks for a burn center location
< sodomy> BP{k}: You watching the snooker too?
< BP{k}> sodomy: yes
< rob0> NEWS FLASH: BP{k} consents to sodomy. Film at 11.
< rob0> @grab BP{k}
<@AgentSlackoff> Ding!
<phy1729> ninjabox: why are you running ospf?
<maldridge> probably so that the system can compute the most efficient path from one side of his room to the other
<maldridge> it would be particularly cool if it could do that and figure in the location of the cat
(drijen is having his roof replaced)
<drijen> lol i used galvinized nails to hold down the tarp
<drijen> they are pounding the absolute fuck out of it
<drijen> kinda feel bad now
<MajObviousman> so ... the contractors are gangbanging your roof and you're ok with this
<MajObviousman> you're probably going to need some extra paper towels once they're done
<programisto> maybe if you film it you can make some money....
<programisto> then you can have a lot of crreepy comments abotu the roof
<MajObviousman> gritty amateur takes it from five guys at one time
<programisto> lol
<programisto> just lol
<phy1729> ok I lol'd