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Added: 2007-11-12

< sevard> seriously, slackware is archaic, but it works, it does everything I need it to, and it\\'s sexier than your mom in brand new panties.

Added: 2007-11-12

< Avt3kk> --enable-uber-opt-a will do a full install with the desktop?

Added: 2007-11-10

<+rworkman> mwalling: well, git happens :)
<+rworkman> er, shit happens :D

Added: 2007-11-08

<_sho_> bwhahahahah. my old company got bought and transfered. the end result was a massive collapse of the company
<_sho_> :D
<_sho_> do not attempt to move 1000 servers to a virtual environment in 1 week!

Added: 2007-11-08

< nullboy> i compiled pidgin with aspell but it still requires that i choose a fix
< mwalling> nullboy: crack
< nullboy> yes, i am out of crack

Added: 2007-11-06

Dagmar: lusher00: Google
lusher00: asking google is like asking you

Added: 2007-11-06

* hipodilski has joined #linuxhelp
<hipodilski> what is the windows equivalent com port of
<hipodilski> /dev/ttyBT0
<hipodilski> ?

Added: 2007-11-05

02:39 < nycjv321> mwalling my I pm you?
02:42 < mwalling> nycjv321: convince me that its worth opening a query window to talk to you

Added: 2007-11-05

< heret|c> iIf iI iSee iOne iMore iThing iTry iTo iCapatalize iOff iThat iBullshit iApple iSloganizim iI iAm iGoing iTo iGo iBallistic

Added: 2007-11-05

<jroes> is nfs also a kernel module device driver?

There are 2270 quotes.