[13:44] <nullboy> hi hoe hi hoe off to the NOC he goes! with crimping tools and wire spools hi hoe hi hoe hi hoe!! \\o/
* camgirl29 (~camgirl29@nwc-2171B7F1.dhcp212-198-248.noos.fr) has joined #nwscript
* camgirl29 has quit (Quit: )
<Nevyn> Damn tease....
<Ariel> guess we didn't look like we'd be interested in a cam girl
<Nevyn> We're a bunch of geeks, of course we would
<frog> hi, if i have a tarball, should it always be possibe to install the sources?
<extor> Jesus Aitch Fucking christ, the documentation for lighty's vhosts is just pathetic
<Led_Zeppelin> is it possible to download a Macromedia file?
01:00 < nullboy> why yes, it really IS breast feeding time!!
01:00 < nullboy> YAY
< fred> It's on par with lolita.
< LoganTheRed> fred: you mean filled with disturbingly seductive minors
who you'd probably stick it in just once if no one was
16:22 < nullboy> all ur tards are belongs to meh
16:22 < nullboy> someone! set us up the small bus
< juan> error message: Cannot install MPlayer.tar.gz: package does not end in .tgz
< rworkman> You didn\\'t read the howto.
< juan> you know, thios is where cultural differences come in. In latin america, specially Venezuela, we don\\'t follow rules or howto\\'s, we just play it by ear
< rworkman> juan: yes, and you see how that worked out for you, right? ;-)
<exothermc_> how do I get sendmail to stop using root@localhost.localdomain for outbound email?