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Added: 2007-11-05

<FriboZa> Hi I need some help with updating my open suse linux... I dont know which update adress to use..

Added: 2007-11-05

<edgy> $ id |grep crontab; ls -l /usr/bin/crontab; crontab -l
<edgy> -rwxr-sr-x 1 root crontab 26832 2006-12-20 17:46 /usr/bin/crontab
<edgy> no crontab for gutsy
<edgy> how come I am not belonging to group crontab and still can list and edit cron jobs?!

Added: 2007-11-05

<jp> How can I get HAL to recognize new thumbdrives?
<jp> Isn\\'t there a command like scanbus? or??

Added: 2007-11-03

< avt3kk> hori and vert sync? :/
< mwalling> avt3kk: JFGI
< avt3kk> oook
< avt3kk> I type jfgi?

Added: 2007-11-02

< Peikko> Rusty1, call a random number in India.
< Rusty1> what\\'s the area code?
< Rusty1> if i call a random customer support # in US, same thing!

Added: 2007-11-02

<Dougy> Is there a tool like wget for slackware?

Added: 2007-11-02

< needles> whos patrick
< Motoko-chan> needles, PV.
< CaptObviousman> patrick is some guy that helps out with slackware

Added: 2007-11-01

pnano> ok rworkman, lets talkit technical, put US Patent Law aside temp..:p

Added: 2007-11-01

( drijen) heret|c, wants to give me head

Added: 2007-11-01

< straterra> BP{k}, kethry, love you guys
< BP{k}> no, you aren\\'t getting any of my meat

There are 2270 quotes.