( ipfreely) BP{k}: i look good in a skirt
11:39 < CaptObviousman> I have a four-year old Powerbook 1.25 GHz. The proc fan
doesn't like to work very well at all, so if you start
taxing the system it goes down like a cheerleader on
prom night
11:39 < kethry> do cheerleaders do that?
11:39 < CaptObviousman> oh yes
11:39 < kethry> (we don't have them in the UK)
11:39 < ThomasY> no
11:40 < CaptObviousman> even the male ones do, especially if they're gay
11:40 < ThomasY> o...kay
11:40 -!- ThomasY [i=straterr@slackadelic.com] has left ##woodchucks []
11:40 < CaptObviousman> holy hell, I scared him out of the channel
< Faux> fred has an unhealthy obsession.
<+fred> Your arse, or your left hand?
< Faux> I was going for the second.
<+fred> Oh, ok.
< Shingoshi> Why is my system still running slow with two dual-core 1.8G
<@fred> Shingoshi: running an smp kernel?
* time passes *
< Shingoshi> fred: yes, smp
< Shingoshi> It may be a memory issue.
< Shingoshi> I do have 170 tabs open in Firefox. But geez, should that really matter?
< Shingoshi> So how much memory should I have for this.
< mwalling_> Shingoshi: there is an extension that will show in the
status bar how many tabs in how many windows and how much memory that is using
< Shingoshi> Do you have the link to that extension, or it's name? I have about 130 extensions now.
15:49 < heret|c> *ahem*
15:49 -!- mode/##woodchucks [+o mwalling_] by ChanServ
15:49 <@mwalling_> *ahem*
15:50 * heret|c whistles innocently
< kop> device names for the com ports in slack are ?
< heret|c> bob, harry, and jack
* Declan (Declan@2234E2B0.532EBF4E.D09A77EC.IP) has joined #codelove
<Declan> Hey again toraton
<Declan> I want to try a little SQL now
<Declan> But I don't know how to access the thingy
<toraton> well
<toraton> hostname is youandeye.org
<toraton> username is declan
<toraton> pass is the same as your login pass
<Declan> Okay, but where do I log in, www.mysql.com?
< elisa> I've just installed sabayon but I don't know how I can open
* mwalling effectivly (and hopefully) redirects sperm to /dev/null
[15:22] <Alan_Hicks> Google knows all.
[15:23] <mwalling_> Alan_Hicks: google doesn't know where i live
[15:24] <Alan_Hicks> First hit: ***** Co, NY
[15:24] <mwalling_> holy shit