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Added: 2007-11-20

11:39 < CaptObviousman> I have a four-year old Powerbook 1.25 GHz. The proc fan
doesn't like to work very well at all, so if you start
taxing the system it goes down like a cheerleader on
prom night
11:39 < kethry> do cheerleaders do that?
11:39 < CaptObviousman> oh yes
11:39 < kethry> (we don't have them in the UK)
11:39 < ThomasY> no
11:40 < CaptObviousman> even the male ones do, especially if they're gay
11:40 < ThomasY> o...kay
11:40 -!- ThomasY [] has left ##woodchucks []
11:40 < CaptObviousman> holy hell, I scared him out of the channel