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Added: 2017-10-18

<andarius> tyork: Yeah, Cisco TAC
<jontz> FriedBob: Gives new meaning to TACo Tuesday
<Kellin> jontz: Lettuce network together
<jontz> Kellin: We can work on the router, where the packets meat
<rob0> oh cheesy puns, is that salsa can come up with?
<Kellin> we could pepper you with more rob0
<tyork> worst thing about tac is they they're pento'd proprietary solutions
<jontz> That wasn't very rice of them
<rob0> you've all bean bad
<jontz> I don't know what the shell you're talking about
<tyork> very nice
<Kellin> whatchu guacin' about jontz ?
<jontz> Don't get all sour Kellin. I'll cream you!
<fuzzbawl> I leave for a few minutes and you all get jalapeno crazy
<jontz> That's what happens when you pico your friends poorly
<Kellin> we're all saucy
<fuzzbawl> you might say we're all a little silly-antro
<jontz> you've crossed the lime with that one fuzzbawl
<rob0> chili out guys
<Kellin> it's be-cumin odd now
<fuzzbawl> You saying we got beef?
<jontz> I'm sayin' I'm right here, unless you are chicken.
<rob0> you all taco the talk, but do you wacko the walk?
<fuzzbawl> you mean the whole enchilada? not since the accident

Added: 2017-10-17

FatalNIX> You know if HAL9000 ran on systemd it'd probably have comitted suicide
<geod> but we would never know because its dramatic suicide notes would all be buried in the binary log

Added: 2017-09-20

<drijen> my first few weeks of *nix were characterized by opening a new term to kill -9 vim

Added: 2017-09-08

<JFK911> whats crack cost
<wigums> if you have to ask you cant afford it

Added: 2017-06-13

<@maldridge> can you people stop pinging me?
<@maldridge> I'm trying to sign a lease here!
<phy1729> DHCPOFFER
<@maldridge> ...
<phy1729> I'm offering you a lease
<@maldridge> I am not signing that
<@maldridge> you didn't even include an authenticating signature
<@maldridge> do you even rfc3118
<phy1729> don't think I do

Added: 2017-06-01

<tyork> oh god, burning hot coffee like hot lead in my gut
<tyork> tear it out, tear it out
<MajObviousman> ok so you took that to a whole new level that I'm super uncomfortable with
<MajObviousman> I think I need to sit down for a moment and just hold my pecker as an act of solidarity
<MajObviousman> it's ok little guy, he won't harm you

Added: 2017-05-25

< Phanes> any downsides to aliasing mv to rsync?
Tadgy facepalms

Added: 2017-05-22

tyork | sounds like another tire has a nail/screw in it too
Kellin | tyork: stop getting screwed
tyork | heh
Dominian | lol

Added: 2017-05-18

<tyork> Wee, i love vmotioning machines while im actively doing things on them without issue
<lorddrijen> vmotioning?
<rob0> like emotion, but virtual
<MajObviousman> uhhh ...
* MajObviousman edges out of frame

Added: 2017-05-10

Epakai | we got frontier to replace our battery back up and even upgrade our modem, but my mom loves to badger them on the phone
lorddrijen | can i hire your mom

There are 2270 quotes.