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Added: 2008-03-24

< Alan_Hicks> Y'all remind me never under any circumstances to hire
cpunches. He does things because they feel good, not
because they are the best thing to do.
< cpunches> well, i'd still hire you :)
< ananke> cpunches : considering where you stand, i don't think you'll be
in a position of hiring any of us, for the next few decades

Added: 2008-03-24

< cpunches> alphageek, ping
* karlmag guesses he's sleeping or something
< karlmag> cpunches: depending on your question, perhaps someone else might be able to answer?
< cpunches> karlmag, unless you know how participation in the open source community can be put down on a resume probably not. thank you, though.
* ananke wouldn't consider trolling on irc worth being put on resume

Added: 2008-03-23

13:35 * straterra mutters
13:35 < straterra> Someone charged $30 worth of porn to my card
13:36 < thrice`> yeah, that *COULDN'T* have been you
13:37 < straterra> It wasn't
13:37 < straterra> I dont pay for porn

Added: 2008-03-22

< Viperfang> hmmm.... --> [error] [client] File does not exist C:/xampp/htdocs/bbic/redirectme
< quinophex> whoa...
< quinophex> this is apache on windows?
< Viperfang> Yeah
< Viperfang> Its the same as linux with different paths

Added: 2008-03-22

<rworkman> SuperpeZ: you seem to have a frankenstein linux going there, and I'm not going to provide the probe to shove up its ass.

Added: 2008-03-21

< andarius> once, a long time ago, in a land far far away there was this
thing called documentation. it was an odd thing. elusive to
most. those who could catch sight of it and understand it
were blessed and seen as all knowing. but this was a special
land. not like this land we see now, this internet ....

Added: 2008-03-21

20:05 < joeyh> =head1 SEE ALSO
20:05 < joeyh> Yellowstone National Park.
20:06 < joeyh> best SEE ALSO ever!

Added: 2008-03-20

<Martizpan2> hey, anyone can see that script ? , im trying to upload file to ftp using ssh... its not working

Contents from pastebin.


ftp -n <<END
put /var/www/file.php

Added: 2008-03-20

<martzipAN^> hey. igot a file in my local unix machine, and i want to upload it into remote ftp and replace the old file in the new one, i got the ftp login/pass , but i want to do it in shell command line, is that possible?

Added: 2008-03-20

<oledole> Q: Does linux somehow support me creating a virtual fs device based on a directory? So that if I mount /dev/sdbx1 i get the contents of /home/foo/bar ?

There are 2270 quotes.