* andarius kicks php :(
* fred hugs php
* jkwood hug fred
* fred calls the police
< rworkman> /c/c
< rworkman> shit
45 minutes later in another channel:
<+rworkman> /c/c
<+rworkman> Damn.
14:20 < ^A^kira> hey there
14:20 < ^A^kira> im trying to remove fluxbox-default settings but dpkg returns
error 2....
14:21 < jkwood> Erm... dpkg?
14:21 < ^A^kira> erm... ubuntu :)
14:21 < jkwood> ^A^kira: #ubuntu is what you're looking for. ;)
14:21 < ^A^kira> doh///
14:21 < jkwood> It's all good.
14:22 < ^A^kira> doh... they sent me to you cuz' flux is ur fav dm
(Note: today's date is 3/14/08)
[08:28] < CaptObviousman> HAPPY PI DAY!
[08:28] * CaptObviousman throws a pie at your face
[08:28] < mgrossie> Hmmmm... guess there's not an hour and minute to be extracted from it.
[08:28] < mgrossie> Wait
[08:28] < mgrossie> 15:92
[08:28] < mgrossie> That could be military time
[08:28] < mgrossie> Nope... note the 92 part, really
[08:29] < CaptObviousman> well, in 7 years we could have 3/14/15 9:26:54
[08:29] < CaptObviousman> it shall mark the forthcoming apocalypse
[08:29] < CaptObviousman> the mayans are full of shit
[08:29] < mgrossie> Isn't that a circular argument?
< Jacky> any free shooting games to recommend me?
< Daviey> russian roulette?
< straterra> I paid for Office 2008
<User192> Ok i have a question, which is used first? tcpwrapper or iptables?
< fred> straterra_ is indeed slick, but in a way that involves gel products we don't ask questions about.
< straterra_> jkwood: they dont have my size speedo :(
< straterra_> they are descriminating!
< Alan_Hicks> straterra_: You could always order the smallest size and put a pair of socks in the front.
< blauzahl> fredrikh: always happy to give you entertainment
< fredrikh> good :)
< blauzahl> want some dancing girls? ;)
< fred> Can I have some too?
< blauzahl> fred: blog about how wonderful khtml is and you can have some
< fred> Erm...
< blauzahl> fred: is that a conflict of interest for you?
< fred> blauzahl: http://fredemmott.co.uk/blog_139
< fred> Where's my dancing girls?
< fred> ¬_¬
< blauzahl> oh my. is that syndicated to planet?
< fred> Yes.
< blauzahl> that post?
< blauzahl> either way, i rotfl and *face palm*
< fred> yup
< fred> So, where's my dancing girls? :)