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Added: 2008-04-01

< muraii> The Onion should do real news for April fool's.
< muraii> Likewise, Fox.

Added: 2008-03-31

< Lo-lan-do> Okay, I'm fed up with one particular company spamming me repeatedly. Anyone knows of a HOWTO for tarpitting with iptables?
< formorer> iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP
< mjj29> formorer: or, -j MIRROR
< mjj29> MIRROR is excellent
< mjj29> some script kiddie rooted himself via a box I had MIRROR setup on

Added: 2008-03-29

<DrDiamond> at least yo're not sober and listening to ABBA
<@Anheuser-Busch> heh

Added: 2008-03-29

< dcramer[]> hrm how do you print to stdin ?
< emacsen> you don't
< emacsen> you can't print to stdin. That's like eating from your butt

Added: 2008-03-28

rainabba> when I use 'crontab -e', where are the entries stored?

Added: 2008-03-28

convivial> hi!
<convivial> is this channel dead or what?
<killfill> just sleepy i guess... :P
<elb> you've been here for one minute and said nothing useful
<convivial> ok :)
<jmLeBlanc> lol
<elb> pardon our lack of reaction :-P

Added: 2008-03-27

< straterra> Let the record show..nix_chix0r is nix_chi0r_with_a_dix0r

Added: 2008-03-27

10:21 < straterra> ceiling fred is shown no mercy though
10:21 < kethry> well you better not squirt BP

Added: 2008-03-27

2148 BP{k} | dragonlotus: chmod +x 4755 XGizzmo
2148 BP{k} | feck.
2148 BP{k} | dragonlotus: chmod +x 4755 Xorg

Added: 2008-03-27

<@gitrdun^> i right good viruses
<@Belial> gitrdun^, yep, you're write.
<@gitrdun^> yep i am

There are 2270 quotes.