<Hockeydude> I think the worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades...or a game of fake heart attack.
< ron1n> could I theoretically buy an ipv6 router and start my own IPv6 intranet?
<@trs80> debian is also arguably more stable than slackware, since it releases less frequently
< mikegrb> jelly beans > sex
00:20:49 <DemonScrypt> why must slackware be so unforgiving
00:21:12 <alienBOB> DemonScrypt: natural selection at work
< straterra> bleh
< straterra> i have a cat telling me its sleeptime
< straterra> and a brain that says 'fuck sleep, paaartay'
< straterra> and a body that agrees with the cat
< drijen> cat owns you.
< sef-main> I just did a massively stupid thing, I unmerged python (needed to rebuild it)
< sef-main> now I get:
< sef-main> emerge -av python
< sef-main> -su: /usr/bin/emerge: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
-!- neuro_sys [n=neurosys@unaffiliated/neurosys/x-283974] has joined
< neuro_sys> curl vs wget ?
< unixfool> either one
< neuro_sys> vim vs emacs?
< unixfool> troll
< TiNc> hey guys. i kind of screwed up here. I read some security guide
that said to delete all accounts that you don't use in slackware
and i think i took it too literally. Only accounts left now are
mine and root. Which accounts should i restore?
< CaptHowdy_> omg i tried to let out a fart and now its all in my underwear...seriously im gonna have to take a shower
< CaptHowdy_> i will e back in about 10mins
< CaptHowdy_> keep me updated faiz
<@Caesar86> i will