* Colourafication goes back to listening to malmsteen
<Colourafication> play fat man play!
<+DrDiamond> He's still relevent?
<Colourafication> sure
<@Anheuser-Busch> ive played on the same stage as malmsteen before
<@Anheuser-Busch> no, not the same night
<Colourafication> hah no kidding, where Anheuser-Busch
<@Anheuser-Busch> The I-Rock Nightclub in detroit
<@Anheuser-Busch> www.irocknightclub.com
<@Anheuser-Busch> there have been some rather big names play there
<@Anheuser-Busch> you go in there.. and i swear.. you travel back in time
<@Anheuser-Busch> i walked in there in tshirt and jeans
<+DrDiamond> fitting for Malmsteen then
<@Anheuser-Busch> i walked out with a mullet, and wearing leopard print spandex
(BTS is an IRC bot showing bug activity in the Debian GNU/Linux project)
< BTS> Closed #31581 in project by Christoph Berg (myon) «Time between releases is too long». http://bugs.debian.org/31581
< jkwood> fred, you're such a tease.
* benji has run x86_64 since 2004
* fred has been running his own x86_64 distro since 2004
* fred wins
(3:23:07 PM) hennyrd: kmsg is weird
(3:23:24 PM) hennyrd: how come i cant remove it?
^}^: my channel is registered by another guy
^}^: my site is www.freesocial.net but #freesocial is registered.
ViciousPotato: Such a beautiful website, you have.
^}^: a opensource /freesoft Social Network Service like Facebook
fred: I can't describe alpha, but I know it when I see it ¬_¬
quick trip to freesocial.net reveals
<rworkman> Why do some people on IRC think their time is more valuable than mine?
< FlashBlind> Is there a way other than lilo to duel boot slac and PCBSD?
< jkwood> Duel booting... Now THERE'S a concept.
< tom4000> :)
* jkwood has a sudden vision of operating systems fighting it out for which one takes control, mortal-kombat style
< tom4000> Linux, ready?! PCBSD, ready?! Fight!
<+ARKANSAS> I just discoverd something...every time I connect it says something about me having new memos from MemoServ, and I always assumed that it was just automated spam messages, but I just figured out how to check them and they are messages piled up from real people LOL (how does one leave one such a message?).
< cruxeternus> Someone ought to overthrow VeriSign... they're raising domain rates the max possible every year. Because the price of oil is really affecting domain name costs.
<@caker> gotta lube the tubes
<@caker> that didn't sound right