< timmi> windows is like unprotected sex.. linux is never getting laid ;)
<JimShoe> :wc
<JimShoe> damn it i'm not in vi
[*] tuxq|mobile [~tuxq@5.sub-72-114-174.myvzw.com] has joined #slackware
< tuxq|mobile> howdy
< tuxq> omg it's me! but mobile!
< tuxq|mobile> yes. Yes it is
< tuxq> Jes. Nothing like talking to yourself on IRC from two different devices.
< daveb> i read an old cringely article
< daveb> he said if we are paying >$10000 year per student for education. Why not just stick all that dough in an IRA for the kid instead. they won't even need a job.
< Peikko> Nah just give it to social security and let them retire at 18.
< Peikko> Outsource all jobs and just collect soc. sec. on them.
< Peikko> Everybody is jobless > no commute to work > Crude oil price collapses = problem solved.
< daveb> very cool.
* Ryan933 (n=Ryan@CPE-124-181-230-184.vic.bigpond.net.au) has joined #linuxhelp
<Ryan933> Hey everyone new at this saw a thing on Datline NBC about chatrooms where you can buy credit card numbers wih pins and CVV numbers. Anyone know where I can access any rooms like that??
<Tonehog> That's called CC fraud.
<Ryan933> Well thats what most people are doing it may be illegal but so is hacking
<Tonehog> No, cracking is illegal. Hacking isn't.
<Ryan933> oh whats the diffrents I am new to this?
<Ryan933> So Does anyone in here know any web sites were I Can access CC Details??
<Ryan933> On IRC there is chat rooms like carding I just dont know how to enter them
<Ryan933> how do u chge rooms?
<MorJava> hey are you trolling?
<Ryan933> whats that?
<Tonehog> MorJava: just ignore him.
<Ryan933> how do u change rooms in here??
<Tonehog> He's either completely clueless or a Fed.
<MorJava> yeah, anyway, i gotta go get some work done before the sun comes up
<Ryan933> A fed I live in Australia we dont have feds
<Tonehog> Take it easy MorJava.
<MorJava> yeah well i think he's trolling for someone to bust
<MorJava> federal police.....we have them
<Ryan933> buston what?
<Ryan933> bust*
<Tonehog> You're right, Australia doesn't have a Ministry to do anything like that.
<Tonehog> :/
<MorJava> there is big shit going on over here with card fraud at the moment
<HappyHat> Ya know people say slackware is hard, difficult, old and outdated. I spend all day on 2 old Sun 2.5.5 boxes and I practically wet my pants when I get a chance to work our new slack box.
# www.linuxpackages.net FAQ
<redtricycle> Well, I know people are against LP
<redtricycle> I was wondering if the same was for slacky
<mindbendr> why's that
<nullboy> redtricycle: i think any package site that shows you the build scripts can be trusted since it allows you to audit it
<BP{k}> mindbendr: for the following reasons:
<jkwood> Although, nullboy has a good point.
<BP{k}> 1) linuxpackages has no known QA or its fairly obsure
<BP{k}> 2) they allow packages to be build on nonclean systems that will introduce dependencies on your system that you dont need
<jokie51> Gee, complain complain :P
<BP{k}> 3) lp.net will also put out their own versions of programs that appear in slackware. Which might make trouble shooting for us a whole kinda hard
<mindbendr> do they, thought they've got nice policies and rating system
<BP{k}> 4) and on top of everything else: http://slackadelic.com/2007/04/11/linuxpackagesnet-intentionally-malicious/
< BubbleWrap> sec, i just typed make and im getting spammed :o
< Alan_Hicks> Hmmm......
< rworkman> Careful, don't hurt yourself.
< Alan_Hicks> rworkman: blow me
< rworkman> Alan_Hicks: you first.
< lanmower> ...
< Alan_Hicks> rworkman: Sure thing. Just let me call in a favor from straterra.
< rworkman> Alan_Hicks: that was wrong. :D
<hhos> is it possible to alias a command in bash that has a command line arg? like alias 'ls -l' to 'ls -l | grep foo' ?