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Added: 2008-09-30

( straterra) I wish I could sell my anal virginity
( thrice`) indeed
( thrice`) er
( BP{k}) LOL
( thrice`) timing fail :)

Added: 2008-09-29

in ##slackware
Winol: steve___1 : when i said BT on this chan , i had some red light on my head and Helicopter above my appartment !!! So i must be carefull with my Speechs :D

Added: 2008-09-29

< ron1n_> my butt is sticky wtf

Added: 2008-09-26

<drijen> jkwood, need another slavegirl
<drijen> and hurry it up
* jkwood puts a wig and a wonderbra on drijen
<jkwood> Dance, drijen, dance!
<drijen> ............
<drijen> O-/-<
<drijen> O-\\-<
<drijen> O->-<
<drijen> O-<-<
* drijen pants
<Dominian> wtf

Added: 2008-09-26

mogunus: Dominian: thanks, I was going to do something stupid involving the KDE
Dominian: hehe
Dominian: yeah that would be stupid.
Dominian: well not stupid
Dominian: per se
Dominian: just time consuming and harder ;)
MasterX831: mogunus: youre and expert mess with your kernel and remove kde from there ;-)
ag3ntugly: ...
mogunus: 1. I'm not an expert. I'm a noob. 2. My god.
MasterX831: one time i was trying to upgrading my kernel, and i was messing with it, when i'd saved the configuration. So i reboot the system i came to
realize i forgot to symlink the new kernel so it wouldnt boot up lol

Added: 2008-09-23

* Out of nowhere... *
< nullboy> i like breasts
< nullboy> not really big ones though
< nullboy> medium ones
< nullboy> or small
< nullboy> just not huge
< nullboy> huge ones are scary, you could suffocate

Added: 2008-09-23

< nullboy> masterx831: will you give me a hug now?
< masterx831> lol
* masterx831 hugs nullboy
< masterx831> ha
< masterx831> eww that was gay
< nullboy> yeah very
* andarius tazes nullboy and masterx831 and places them in compromising positions for a photo

Added: 2008-09-23

<e^ipi> cchapman: i'm a giver, not a taker.
* e^ipi just realized that sounded a little gay
<e^ipi> eh, i'm cool with that
<jbk> haha

Added: 2008-09-22

DeAd|WaR: hey do u know how on user prompt in nix to change the $ to the # sign i tryed google i know this a dumb question. but i need it for school.

Added: 2008-09-21

Kana [chat]: typically in a fistfight... the car wins
Ryuai [chat]: see the thing about being hit by a car is any face you make
while doing it is hillarious.
Case [chat]: don't bring a knife to a carfight

There are 2270 quotes.