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Added: 2009-02-27

<ArTourter> hi, could someone change the download URL for shorewall6 from to
<ArTourter> upstream forgot to put shorewall6 in the base folder but they now have done so. so at the next patch level update the slackbuild package will not fail
<mbhayes> probably want to email the maintainer of the package and have them update it
<ArTourter> I am the maintainer :-P
<BP{k}> well email yourself man!!
<ArTourter> lol

Added: 2009-02-24

mbhayes: rworkman:
mbhayes: click on any quote id
agentc0re: mbhayes: I like that :D
agentc0re: mbhayes: A little slow on loading though.. :/

*** 30 minutes later

mbhayes: agentc0re1: yeah its a bit slow loading.
mbhayes: agentc0re1: I need to work out how to get the automatic height/width for the window.
agentc0re: mbhayes: Ah. I've been wanting to play around with lightbox (or whatever ever variant) myself. Which one are you using?
mbhayes: agentc0re1: lightbox
mbhayes: agentc0re1: going to check with the devs at work tomorrow to see what would be involved with getting an automatic height/width for the data involved
agentc0re: mbhayes:
mbhayes: agentc0re1: that's for forcing it to one size.. and one size only..
mbhayes: agentc0re1: I'm talking about automatic adjustment to the size height/width wise on load
agentc0re: mbhayes: I saw something about setting it to small, medium or large. Let me find that.
agentc0re: mbhayes: OIC, IE: if it's 0-20 lines, it's medium and if it's 21-1000000 it's large. Something like that?
mbhayes: agentc0re1: apparently lightbox does dynamically size for images...
agentc0re: mbhayes:
mbhayes: crap .. I'm using lightwindow
mbhayes: haha
agentc0re: HAHAHA

Added: 2009-02-21

< pi31415> i frequently use rsync at work, it saves my bacon
< jkwood> pi31415: bacon-over-rsync?!?!?!?

Added: 2009-02-20

< eviljames> eviljames: Are you lonely?
< eviljames> eviljames: Sometimes, but at least you keep me company
< eviljames> eviljames: <3

Added: 2009-02-19

<@alphageek> mwahaha. just got OCD on Impale Sticky (42 balls)
< oneforall> I only have 2 and I'm happy
< amrit|afk> 2 too many. allows for reproduction.

Added: 2009-02-18

< mbhayes> jkwood: you ready?
< mbhayes>
< mbhayes> it works.. cause I just freakin' tested it ;)
< jkwood> GO GO GO
< jkwood> Oh, wait, that's me.

Added: 2009-02-18

(@ataxic) 4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~
(@ataxic) er
(@ataxic) not me
* ataxic blames the cat
(@ataxic) how the hell did he managed that is beyond me
(@ataxic) ~ is only accessible with the shit key
(@stybla) :)
(@C00re) you have a shit key!?
(@ataxic) and the 4 is on the other end
(@C00re) impressive.
(@C00re) :P
(@ataxic) shift key @P

Added: 2009-02-18

* fred can't reproduce :|

Added: 2009-02-16

<TwinReverb> i need to ask a newbie question

Added: 2009-02-14

< straterra> hotel room is setup
< straterra> candles in place..
< straterra> roses in place
< straterra> hot tub ready...
< straterra> female enroute
< straterra> giggity giggity goo
< fred> Camera ready?
< fred> behind the one-way mirror?
< straterra> of course
< straterra> live internet feed
< fred> link?
< BP{k}> condoms pre-pierced?
< straterra> yup
< BP{k}> rohypnol mixed in her drink?
< straterra> 2 dozen holes per condom
< straterra> i have chloroform in the roses
< BP{k}> going for the classic route then.. ;)
< straterra> of course
< straterra> fridge is booked with various alcohol
< BP{k}> did you do a soundcheck?
< straterra> yup
< straterra> walls are soundproof
< straterra> if no one hears her say no...
< straterra> \\O/
< fred> I hope the mirror isn't soundproof.
< straterra> yes..but i have a dozen mics in the room
< straterra> 7 are active at any given time
< straterra> 8 channel audio :)
< jkwood> So she has actually met you before, right?
< straterra> of course
< jkwood> In real life?
< straterra> yes
< fred> Not second life?
< straterra> correct
< fred> <ut:voice> HOLY SHIT </ut:voice>
< straterra> thats what the condoms for
< straterra> i got body massage oils too

There are 2270 quotes.