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Added: 2009-03-02

<antler> NaCl: fascination with salt?
<NaCl> antler: Somewhat.
edman007 puts NaCl in water and hits him with a taser
NaCl is now know as NaCl|dead
<NaCl> *known
<edman007> NaCl, nope, you are now known as NaOH, H2, and Cl2
<edman007> follow physics!
antler sandpapers edman007's skin and pours NaCl all over it
edman007 shoots antler with a shotgun full of nacl
antler saves some of the shells for his soup. yum.
<MLanden> NaCl:see,your quite popular...eveyone likes to play with you..:D
<aceofspades19> edman007: wouldn't that be chemistry, not physics?
<NaCl> aceofspades19 has a point
<MLanden> s/your/you're
<antler> hahah
<antler> edman007 thinks that chemistry reduces to physics
NaCl is often used as a seasoning on various soups, wheat, and potato products
<antler> ...and on roads during canadian winters
<MLanden> and tequila...:D
NaCl has millions of uses.