<mhaworth1> n00b mistake of the day - I was trying to connect to the wrong IP address - my notes were bad.
nullboy: i want to see 272 lol's in a row
Cotowar: lol
spook: lol
jkwood: lol
nullboy: lol
eviljames: lol
jkwood: lol
Cotowar: lol
spook: lol
eviljames: lol
nullboy: lol
eviljames: lol\\
Cotowar: lo
nachox: ....
Cotowar: fail
nullboy: lol!
firebird619: lol
spook: ER
nullboy: oh crap it's an op
nachox: what the hell is wrong with you?
< straterra> You git people..I changed the description file, but the git web interface doesnt show anything different..
< thrice`> commit it
< straterra> oh
< straterra> wait..what?
< straterra> This is in the projects .git
< jkwood> Ah... umm...
< Dominian> er
< Dominian> is this via gitweb?
< straterra> Or..I could be an idiot
< straterra> yes
< straterra> but I'm stupid
< Dominian> yeah.. you have to update the project_list file
< straterra> I didn't..
< straterra> I was SSH'ed in to the wrong machine
< Cotowar_> idk though. i tried changing the image to gentoo, and it seems to work fine. gentoo is slackware based right?
tewmten: every morning i wake up and hack the gibson
< drijen> fuck no, i love it hard
< the_goat> I mounted your Mother's Rack last night
<nate> use runlevel to determine what level you're at and go in and shut stuff off in /etc/rcX.d/
<nate> same as any linux
<nate> paths may be subject to change ;-)
<aaronyy> ubuntu has no rcX.d
<nate> aaronyy: yes it does
<aaronyy> no, it doesn't
<nate> nate@bobo:~$ ls -ld /etc/rc?.d|wc -l
<nate> 8
<nate> yes, it does.
<HoopyCat> rtucker@arrogant-bastard:~$ ls -ld /etc/rc5.d
<HoopyCat> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2009-02-15 16:59 /etc/rc5.d
<aaronyy> hmm
* aaronyy doesn't use ubuntu
<HoopyCat> we kinda guessed that...
<antler> NaCl: fascination with salt?
<NaCl> antler: Somewhat.
edman007 puts NaCl in water and hits him with a taser
NaCl is now know as NaCl|dead
<NaCl> *known
<edman007> NaCl, nope, you are now known as NaOH, H2, and Cl2
<edman007> follow physics!
antler sandpapers edman007's skin and pours NaCl all over it
edman007 shoots antler with a shotgun full of nacl
antler saves some of the shells for his soup. yum.
<MLanden> NaCl:see,your quite popular...eveyone likes to play with you..:D
<aceofspades19> edman007: wouldn't that be chemistry, not physics?
<NaCl> aceofspades19 has a point
<MLanden> s/your/you're
<antler> hahah
<antler> edman007 thinks that chemistry reduces to physics
NaCl is often used as a seasoning on various soups, wheat, and potato products
<antler> ...and on roads during canadian winters
<MLanden> and tequila...:D
NaCl has millions of uses.
[*] bazsi [~bazsi@adsl-89-132-30-54.monradsl.monornet.hu] has joined #bitlbee
< bazsi> register pass
< dracula> Welcome, bazsi, you are in the *public* #bitlbee channel.
< bazsi> account add msn nemtom34@hotmail.com <redacted>
< bazsi> help
< Arnie> bazsi, you are not on a bitlbee server
< Arnie> you are on the public bitlbee channel on oftc
< bazsi> and where is it? :D
< Arnie> where is what?
< Arnie> http://bitlbee.org/main.php/servers.html
< bazsi> thank you
[*] bazsi [~bazsi@adsl-89-132-30-54.monradsl.monornet.hu] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
< mwalling> i wonder if his msn password really is <redacted>
< Willd> mwalling: fail@him if so :D
< mwalling> heh
< aquatix> indeed
< dy> he is hungarian,
< dy> his username means foobar@
< dy> so it cant be real :~
< dy> hm, its working
< dy> bad luck