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Added: 2009-03-26

< mwalling> HoopyCat: fred has a dedicated, cause hes a tool

Added: 2009-03-26

< vor> yep start with ubuntu and build up
< yht> :-)
< jkwood> Other kings said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show 'em.

Added: 2009-03-25

< dartmouth> oh. dear god. you're a real idiot. not the pretend kind. I thought you were just trolling. And coming from me, you should take that as an insult.

Added: 2009-03-25

<BP{k}> eviljames: bah. my connection is lagged :|
<eviljames> BP{k}: Nah, I just type like a madman.

Added: 2009-03-25

Stutteringmatt> BP{k}, could you explain?
<BP{k}> Stutteringmatt: yes, I could.
<Stutteringmatt> thank you

Added: 2009-03-25

< pwillis> !urmom
< linbot> pwillis: Yo momma's so dumb, she can't spell a.
< pwillis> a what?

Added: 2009-03-24

< fred> :q
< fred> oops
< fred> -ENOTVIM

Added: 2009-03-24


Added: 2009-03-24

< jkwood> I had a friend on a drama team that was sensitive to mom jokes because her mother had died when she was little. It's become fashionable in my private circle now to make Caroline's mom jokes.
< jkwood> ...not sure why I felt like sharing that.
< jkwood> All of a sudden, 200 people on the internet think I'm a jerk, in addition to insane.
< Alan_Hicks> jkwood: It's not that bad. I'm sure only 20 or so people will ever see it, unless it gets noobfarmed.

Added: 2009-03-23

jkwood: jed: I haven't introduced you to the rules. 1.) Ignore aaronyy.
aaronyy: really?
SelfishMan: aaronyy: Yes, really
jkwood: Yep.
checkers: yep

There are 2270 quotes.