( Azeotrope) The problem is: if I get kidnapped and shipped to China, I wont be able to connect to my box and signal for help.
(15:53:59) ( Zordrak) \\o/
(15:53:59) Zordrak gets the kidnappers on the blower
(15:54:39) ( Azeotrope) But if you'll see bitemarks on LCD displays you'll know that's me crying for help from a secret forced-labour facility.
(15:55:26) Zordrak will just RMA the screen
(15:55:39) ( CcSsNET) lol
<deco> My mother was a hamster and my father smelt of elderberries!
<+fire|bird> eh, it's not that great, certainly nothing to brag about. :P
<+deco> that's what she said
<deco> The 2010 World Cup in South Africa will be filmed in 3D for the first time, it has been announced.
<deco> :o
<deco> i can like almost touch messi's penis now :o
<chopp> wtf....dude.
<Camarade_Tux> hahahahaha :P
<Scuzz> lol
<Camarade_Tux> I think we're producing far too many noobfarm quotes :P
<Pig_Pen> is there anything not stock from slackware installed that could have overwritten anything? did you do a full install?
<candinho> yes i did, like the readme and install told to do
<candinho> ./configure make , sudo make install
<alienBOB> Well that gtk 2.18.4 is not from stock Slackware (even current is at 2.14.7) so there's your origin
<Pig_Pen> was any of it gtk releated, atk, cairo, pango, glib2, gmm, etc...
<Pig_Pen> beat me to it
<candinho> yes i instaled cairo, updated pango glib2 and gmm
<Pig_Pen> dude! you cant just start overwriting libraries like that, it will break things
<candinho> glimm gtkmm
<Pig_Pen> go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars
<candinho> ahuahauahu
<candinho> but my linux is still working
<+Camarade_Tux> ok, I'll have to go soon if I don't want to have troubles removing some hairy 20cm-long thing from my ass on tomorrow morning :)
<+macavity> nn fellows :-)
<+macavity> time for little kiddens to go to bed and dream about clay women
<+macavity> ok, the one who noobfarms that one dies :P
* eviljames noobfarms
< xsamurai> BP{k}: every time i see your nick , I think of burger king, which in turn makes me want to eat a burger, which makes me feel fat , leading me to eat ice cream all night and crying my self to sleep
:::: You're now known as init[1]
:::: s0d0!n=(hostmask removed) has joined ##slackware
< tank-man> is the [0] index your way of saying you are away? :)
< tank-man> i think there is a channel rule about that
< Pig_Pen> i could change my nick to Pig_Pen_Away and i wont get in trouble, what is against the rules in that autoaway feature that some irc clients have
< mancha> Pigpen, try it
:::: Pig_Pen is now known as Pig_Pen_Away
:::: mode/##Slackware: +b *away!*@* by slackboy
:::: slackboy kicked Pig_Pen_Away from ##slackware and said: Banned: please turn off your auto-away functionality on your client when frequenting this channel...same thing for if you've manually set
yourself to 'away'. The channel doesn't need to know and you can always SILENTLY set your mode to 'away'.
< BP{k}> mancha++ ;)
< init[1]> lol
< mancha> morning fun :P
:::: Apok!n=element@(ip removed) has joined ##slackware
< thrice`> kids these days :)
:::: Pig_Pen!n=anyuser@(ip removed) has joined ##slackware
< BP{k}> Pig_Pen: Uhm, and you were saying?
glphvgacs : is there any x86-64 optimized version of slackware?
kitche : umm what do you think slackware64 is?
maybe : 13.0
BP{k} : kitche: it's for those halfbaked 128bits computers ;)
glphvgacs : kitche: could be ppc64, no?
BP{k} : *sigfh*