<Pig_Pen> is there anything not stock from slackware installed that could have overwritten anything? did you do a full install?
<candinho> yes i did, like the readme and install told to do
<candinho> ./configure make , sudo make install
<alienBOB> Well that gtk 2.18.4 is not from stock Slackware (even current is at 2.14.7) so there's your origin
<Pig_Pen> was any of it gtk releated, atk, cairo, pango, glib2, gmm, etc...
<Pig_Pen> beat me to it
<candinho> yes i instaled cairo, updated pango glib2 and gmm
<Pig_Pen> dude! you cant just start overwriting libraries like that, it will break things
<candinho> glimm gtkmm
<Pig_Pen> go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars
<candinho> ahuahauahu
<candinho> but my linux is still working