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Added: 2010-11-07

chee : i had a conversation with a girl about focus-follows-mouse
chee : it was the most erotic chat of my life

Added: 2010-11-05

<+?HS^^> hello
<+?HS^^> does america have black and white cows?
<+Dominian> Do stupid questions get asked daily?
<+?HS^^> do you know what is a cow??
<+?HS^^> or do you only know what is a hamburger??
<+Dominian> I rest my case.

Added: 2010-10-31

< cobra2> and I was also wondering where the CFLAGS are stored at on the mac.... this is my first mac... if you can't tell by now.
< TimeLincoln> you're clearly not an average mac user either, most of them would be asking where itunes is, not CFLAGS

Added: 2010-10-29

< hooplah> can someone please help me, i am having a bit of trouble accessing a thumbdrive
< hooplah> dmesg shows its sde, i mount it, the light on the drive flickers like it was mounted, no errors, yet it shows no files when there are definitely files on it
< hooplah> very odd, i installed slackware 13.0 with ext2 filesystem last night and it worked just fine
< hooplah> reinstalled this morning with ext4 and now it doesnt
< hooplah> tmpfs tmpfs 510480 0 510480 0% /dev/shm
< hooplah> /dev/sde1 vfat 7881636 40 7881596 1% /tmp/blah
< hooplah> omfg i did mv last night and it actually moved everything off the usb drive
< adamk> Perhaps the filesystem is screwed up?
< adamk> Heh.
< hooplah> fml
< hooplah> i just lost like.....
*-- hooplah has quit (Quit: leaving) #slackware
< adamk> Everything.

Added: 2010-10-25

<+raela> antiwire, what if a really hot girl was super into you and would let you do *anything*.. if she could stick her fist in your ass once
<+antiwire> I just hardlocked

Added: 2010-10-23

<notKlaatu> beds are for pansies.
<cobra2> and people that get laid

Added: 2010-10-21

+Necos: :D
+Necos: i don't even watch that show, but DAMN!
+hitest: Necos: great. now I'm half-pissed and I've got serious wood
+Necos: lol
+Necos: congrats hitest :)
+hitest: :-)
* BP{k} looks at noobfarm ;)
+hitest: lmao
+BP{k}: and good evening hitest :)
+hitest: hiya BP{k} :)
+Necos: lol

Added: 2010-10-19

< dustybin> ananke: i never read man pages, i find that cheating
< deco> o_o
< ananke> dustybin: that makes no sense
< adrien> tar + xz + gpg then xD
< adrien> lol
< ananke> but whatever. suit yourself
< dustybin> i dont have gpg setup, i imagine that will be a serious pain
* thrice` hopes it was sarcasm, but fears it wasn't
< dustybin> :D

Added: 2010-10-18

< Ovron> I only have bagged lipton tea, as I am not a large tea consumer. Coffee on the other side... I even have an espresso maker in my office since the one in the lounge is crap.
<@pparadis> Ovron: would you say that you're interested in tag bags?
< Ovron> pparadis: I am not sure I want to answer that question, please clarify :p
<@pparadis> well, sir, i have a special technique involving a tea bag that you might be keenly interested in.
<@pparadis> it is a family recipe.
< Ovron> Let us hear about it.
<@pparadis> it's all organic, i assure you.
< Ovron> I am a bit worried what this entails now
<@pparadis> it would be better if i demonstrated the technique in person, so that you may fully appreciate it. i shall reserve a room at a nice hotel in AC for this very purpose.
< Ovron> I do not like the sound of this :(
<@pparadis> it will be quite educational, i assure you! no need to fear the unkown, as i am a nice guy.
< Ovron> pparadis: I think you should perform this demonstration on jed or any other close-by person, record it, and youtube it.
<@pparadis> but dear sir, i have modified my instructions in accordance with adjustments i deemed necessary from my viewing of footage from that crack in the ceiling above your shower. i have already tailored the lesson to your specific needs!
* Ovron feels stalked
<@pparadis> no no no you're a star!
<@Perihelion> .
<@Perihelion> YOU
<@Perihelion> ARE MY
<@Perihelion> SHININ STAR
< Ovron> yay

Added: 2010-10-18

James____ : hi anyone familiar with g4l?, I backup my laptop with the lzop compression but the iamge is 50 gig... even my laptop is just a clean slack13.1 install
adrien : g4l? and lzop isn't meant for hihgh compression
James____ : ghost4linux
James____ : how can i get the image smaller, or make it to iso or something so it become smaller
adrien : James____: use bzip2 or xz/lzma2
adrien : (I prefer xz/lzma2)
Master-Passe : James____: if g4l makes the image just by copying every bit from harddrive then image is size of harddrive
Master-Passe : if you don't use some compression
ananke : James____: as noted in ##linux, your issue is related to the fact that you're backing up the entire block device [or partition], rather than a filesystem
adrien : if it's quite 'dumb', you might also 'dd if=/dev/zero of=~/crap bs=1M', it'll help compression
ananke : compression won't do much good if you're backing up unused disk space [which is full of junk eventually]
adrien : what I said will also make recovery of any deleted file impossible
James____ : I used the default lzop encryption
adrien : well, you might want of=/tmp/crap instead, it depends on the partition
adrien : s/encryption/compression/
James____ : err
James____ : compression
James____ : :)
James____ : so the lzop image i have can i somehow make it smaller
James____ : or must i make a new g4l image with another compression
adrien : the best thing would be to tar instead of ghost
adrien : do you want to backup the files or do you have a specific need for the whole drive/partition rather than only its content
ananke : James____: how can you make a truckfull of garbage smaller? by not packing a truck full of garbage in the first place
James____ : so if making new images
James____ : which compressions must i use in g4l
adrien : ananke++
adrien : well said :-)
ananke : James____: doesn't really matter
James____ : it has gzip,lzop,gzip2
Master-Passe : James____: non of those helps
James____ : it says in documentation lzop will be smaller and run faster
ananke : James____: lzop is fine. again, the issue is not with compression
adrien : lzop faster than bzip2? tell me who wrote that so I can burn him
Master-Passe : :D
adrien : s/faster/smaller/ of course ;-)
James____ : so i should try with bzip2 intead of lzop?
ananke : wow. it's like a brick wall
Master-Passe : :D

There are 2270 quotes.