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Added: 2010-09-28

hideki: Does anybody ever cuddle their computer ?
gniks: i do, no one else wants to cuddle with me
hideki: I know how you feel
hideki: The macs are quite cute

Added: 2010-09-25

raela : man.. so.. I helped grade exams for the horses class yesterday.. one question was asking what the first and the last thing you should do is when you come to the barn (answer is wash your hands).. one person put wash your hands or other body parts that might come in contact with the horse D:

Added: 2010-09-23

< ubuntuWorkDann> pegwole, I'd figure you wouldn't know what a web paper bag is since you shy away from water
< ubuntuWorkDann> s/web/web

Added: 2010-09-20

< iluminator101> so back to my question
< notKlaatu> like we said, xinitrc
< Peter64> exec /usr/bin/lxde
< delwin>
< delwin> there's a whole wealth of information just waiting in wiki's if you
ever bother to open a web browser and look
< iluminator101> i thought archbang was supposed to have has openbox
< Peter64> Why dont people just do the base install of Arch and then install
the wm of choice
< MrJackson> because thats not how ubuntu works

Added: 2010-09-19

<ZokkeR> can somebody help me with slackware 13.1 64bit burning?
<CapnBP{k}> ZokkeR: you need 2 32bits burners for that.

Added: 2010-09-19

<crocket> busybox is a linux distro

Added: 2010-09-16

< Crenn-NAS> 2.8v? It can't tolerate 3.3v?
< ghostfish> Crenn-NAS: it might, but it's not rated for it, and it's a $100-150 part, do you want to risk it?
< ghostfish> when you can use a pair of resistors to make it safe?
< ghostfish> 10 cents
< ghostfish> 4 solder joints
< Crenn-NAS> ghostfish: To me resistors are so hackish
< dr_jkl> ...
< dr_jkl> i can't believe i just saw that.
< slide> lol
< ghostfish> Crenn-NAS: resistors are, erm, one of the fundamental components of electronics?
< ghostfish> fundamental 4 components

Added: 2010-09-16

< Yaakov> I don't want a Kindle. There must be something wrong with me.
< mwalling> Guspaz: no one lost their notes unless they deleted them on their own
< tjfontaine> Yaakov: me too, and I love apple stuff
<@pparadis> Yaakov: if so, something is wrong with me, too.
< mdcollins> I'm with you on that one Yaakov.
< Guspaz> mwalling: Are the notes not tied to the book?
< mwalling> [09-16] 16:00:15 < mwalling> Guspaz: annotations are stored in a plan text file
< Guspaz> Ah.
<@pparadis> i still read words printed on dead trees every day.
< Daevien> Yaakov: yes somethign is wrong with you, but thats not the reason
< mdcollins> tjfontaine, Kindle isn't apple >_<

Added: 2010-09-15

arfon : KaMii: do you like POTs?
KaMii : arfon: i dont do drugs, drugs are bad

Added: 2010-09-15

< resno> im in edt?
< MrWork> you are till november sometime
< MrWork> then you'll be back in EST
< resno> are you saying we change time zones?
< notKlaatu>
< MrWork> daylight savings time resno
< resno> MrWork: im fully aware of daylight savings time.
< MrWork> i wouldn't say fully then
< resno> my clock says 11:12 am.
< MrWork> so does mine
< MrWork> but we are in daylight time atm
< MrWork> so it's EDT
< resno> thats what im asking, which time zones?

There are 2270 quotes.