< Ozanburada> New version of Slackware is around the corner.
* alienBOB looks around that corner
< alienBOB> Sees nothing
<+ raela> also about to.chuck this.netbook at the wall
<+ NaCl> &indeed
<@QuadCoreDama> Indeed.
<+ raela> maybe take out a kid with it
<+ hitest> raela: netbook acting up?
<+ raela> it wont connect to tur wirelss ay all
<+ hitest> bummer
<+ raela> having to do everythigb on the phone
<+ raela> its not swnding the passkey at all
<+ raela> gfeat i didnt even nrong headphoenr
<+ raela> what eler csn rven be eesey
<+ raela> ugh ful tio
<+ antiwire> WTF are you talking about woman?!?!
< sogepp> what this command for ?? 'installpkg slackware/*/*.txz
< alienBOB> Guess
<+antiwire> &roulette spin
<@QuadCoreDamage> *SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
<+antiwire> &roulette
<@QuadCoreDamage> *click*
<+macavity> lol
<+hitest> &roulette
<@QuadCoreDamage> *click*
<+hitest> \\o/
<+fiyawerx> what happens if you lose?
<+fiyawerx> &roulette
.oO( fiyawerx was kicked from ##slackware-offtopic by QuadCoreDamage (BANG!)
* QuadCoreDamage reloads and spins the chambers.
<+antiwire> lol
<+hitest> haha
crocket : After upgrading to the laste -current, quvi and cclive doesn't work.
crocket : I think it's curl
crocket : I inspected quvi source code and saw that curl was the cause.
crocket : Maybe curl should be rebuilt.
adrien : crocket: curl seems to work alright, why should it be rebuilt?
crocket : adrien : curl returns HTTP 404 (Not Found) error when it deals with youtube.
crocket : adrien : I don't know either, but rebuilding often solves the problem.
crocket : It's a rule of thumb
crocket| wikileaks
trhodes| licky weeks
mancha| sticky cheeks
mancha| billy reeks
phrag| micky meets?
mancha| ricky sneaks
hexhawk| biggy zeaks
mancha| pinky teets
phrag| sticky beeks
hexhawk| licky tweets
mancha| meaty cheeks
phrag| bed time o/
<warren> oh nice, discounts for annual payment
<GLaDOSDan> bigger discounts for bi-anally
<GLaDOSDan> er, annually
<Peng> That's an awesome word.
<Peng> I don't know what it means, but I'm sure it's awesome.
-!- MiNg123 [~fsdfd@] has joined #suse
< MiNg123> how do i see my ip address ?
< NaCl> ifconfig
< NaCl> Unless your IP is
< mattryan29> how do i check if curl is enabled
<@irgeek> which curl
< mattryan29> didn't know there is more than one
* irgeek headdesk
( Rhisa) I'm looking at methods on how to penetrate myself.