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Added: 2013-11-07

<BP{k}> Never thought Roin was a squirter. ;)
<Roin> Yah :D

Added: 2013-10-22

<+raela> they were pretty good fries, though. and I was told the meat was excellent
<+theborger> raela: same thing all the girls tell me
<+raela> theborger, I bet they'd tell you anything to try to escape your basement

Added: 2013-10-21

< Fatalnix> teacher caught me doing it and was laughin

Added: 2013-10-20

redotis: Is there a way to turn about 1000 records like the two in the top of this link into two entries like the two in the bottom using vim?
Raimondi: redotis: %s/|\\s*\\([^|]*[^|]\\)\\s*|\\s*\\([^|]*[^|]\\)\\s*|\\s*\\([^|]*[^|]\\)\\s*|/[\\1](employees)\username=\\1\callerid=\\2\secret=\\3\\/
redotis: Raimondi...I'm going to suck your dick.
redotis: That was fucking awesome.

Added: 2013-10-14

<+Darth_Slack> I'm ashamed that wood_quinn_ is the same nationality as me :(

Added: 2013-10-11

( TommyC) oh what the fuck, her vagina is the fucking alphabet soup of hepatitis

Added: 2013-10-08

<crocket> zendeavor, I'm probably stupid.

Added: 2013-10-02

Blacklite_ â•¡ can someone unblock me from ##slackware-offtopic?
ChiaSmurf â•¡ lol
Skywise â•¡ yeah, the person who banned you
Darth_Slack â•¡ Which is unlikely to happen - given you spammed the shit out of the channel
ChiaSmurf â•¡ 7 lines from finding out it existed to wondering how to get unbanned...
Skywise â•¡ lol
Skywise â•¡ thats efficient
pink_mist â•¡ 19:34 - 20:18 .. took less than an hour :P

Added: 2013-09-30

14:43 < TheM4ch1n3> I dont want to buy hardware from a company that has thumbs.db files on there FTP server

Added: 2013-09-24

<##slackware> Dear diary: The authorities have gone to bed and closed the door. It is clear now that they have forgotten about me and left me here to die. My food bowl is only half full, and the pair of black dress slacks has been removed from the couch. It is now only a matter of whether I starve to death first, or go mad with lack of suitable sleeping conditions. I will sit in the center of the house and sing the song of my people, as I await the end.

There are 2270 quotes.