talk about shells:
@dive | I sell csh by the c shore
+wizrad | shell puns are korny
+wizrad | I guess you just have to be bourne with it
< Aethiopemborste> i kinda wish megaladons were not extinct
< Aethiopemborste> just becuase
< Trypta> How the hell does something like that even become extinct?
< Trypta> Balance patch?
<Apocryph4l> using /list on freenode may be one of the dumbest decisions i've ever made. 1 minute and counting
<Apocryph4l> it's like watching portage build something
<+WhiteWolf1776> i'm out... time to see the mrs, later all
<+misspwn> go pee in her butt for me
<+wizrad> WhiteWolf1776: have a good one
<+Alan_Hicks> HAHAHA
<+_tim> wtf
<+Alan_Hicks> WTF?!
+wizrad | Eureka
@dive | careful with that axe, Eugene...
@dive | wow
+wizrad | I need to axe you a quession
@dive | wizrad, just get to the point
+wizrad | dive: that is my point. the act of axing.
@dive | you're sharp today ;)
wizrad | dive: my puns are a bit choppy though
@dive | got something to grind?
+wizrad | dive: no, just lumbering through my joke stack
@dive | sorry, but I'm gonna have to cut you short
+wizrad | dive: you're not gonna log are ya?
<+antiwire> _tim: you should do a post showing users how to flip the PSU switch to 220 for extra power
+antiwire | alright, which one of you bastards is this x.x.199.18
+antiwire | ssh open on that guy, he keeps hitting a SIP server.
+shonudo | i used to be that, but then i turned 19
<sloth> if i have something like my ( $a,$b ) = ($foo =~ /hello(bar)?world(flop)/);
<sloth> will $a be empty, undefined or what $b would be assuming there is no bar?
<pink_mist> don't use $a or $b
<pink_mist> except in sort blocks
<pink_mist> not even in examples
<sloth> then $foo and $bar
<pink_mist> you already had $foo there
<sloth> then $pink and $mist
<gry> :D
Urchlay ┃ actually. replaced ethernet cable, and it's stayed up 15 minutes now. So maybe that was it
Urchlay ┃ dunno what would have killed the cable (no moving parts, they don't really die of old age in my experience, but *shrug*)
+rob0 ┃ pr0n causes decay of Ethernet wiring
Urchlay ┃ I was asleep... promise you I don't sleepwalk or sleepwank
<jdoles> Is there any list of libraries somewhere which has been 'vetted' by professionals? The problem with all of this open-source stuff is that anyone can distribute something (and thus also waste my time with looking at it).