* chris_punches feels like an idiot
< nullboy> what's STL?
< fred> nullboy: Go learn C++ :)
< nullboy> haha
< drijen> nullboy, :(
< Buggaboo> it's like std, but harder to get.
< Buggaboo> and no sex.
< mwalling_> quickly
< mwalling_> getting ready to head hoe
<_sho_> worlds dumbest question
<_sho_> how to sgid something
<_sho_> im having brain failure :|
<sayotte> chmod g+s <blah>
<DieRatte> what are you trying to do, starsong ?
<starsong> DieRatte: we all want an automated package managment system right ? thats why we are questioned for huh ?
<rob0> No. ??
<starsong> DieRatte: well, i would like to solve that in a 21 century fashion
< DieRatte> dont do that to me. Im already twice on noobfarm. One time, telling everybody its good to bus dresses, the other one, that I like gay man. Its just an accident. I didnt drink enough coffee
<angusmarkus> how do you man a man page file? man file?
* kicks (n=a@201-89-183-207.paemt701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br) has joined #linuxhelp
<kicks> is there any channel about general help ou windows help?
< smeding> heh, i <3 having a toilet roll in my room, despite my mom probably thinking it's for masturbation
< straterra> so.. Dominian...I hacked google from your shell....hope you dont mind
< straterra> heh
< straterra> brought down their whole cluster from ddosing from your kinda 31
< straterra> err
< straterra> T1
< andarius> oooh, straterra is weet
< straterra> magical syn packets
< andarius> weet = way super leet
< andarius> is that anything like a magic packet for WOL ?
< andarius> :P
< straterra> kinda
< straterra> only...
< straterra> this is a 'sleep/die over lan' packet
< andarius> sweet
< andarius> can we call it the sleeping beauty apple packet ?
< straterra> no