<ToddEDM> hey guys, im a Ubuntu user and iwas wondering if there is a list of the progras you can get with Apt-Get
00:46 < aldcor> drijen, i don\\'t think so... you all think that slack can use only kings of linux
00:46 < drijen> aldcor, hardly, i\\'m a moron
00:47 < drijen> first person to noobfarm that, gets shot.
00:47 < fred> drijen: What if I\\'m the second?
00:47 < drijen> burned at the stake
00:48 < macavity> drijen: too late ;-)
00:48 < drijen> fsck!
00:23 < aldcor> go f... yourself ... i will fix my xorg and that\\'s all... i will never read slackbook.org
00:23 < rk4n3> aldcor: you might get some flack when you ask questions without reading the book, though...
00:23 < gremzoid> heh
00:23 < dafunks> O_o
00:23 < drijen> the word you are looking for is fuck.
00:23 < Alan_Hicks> aldcor: You can do whatever the hell you want to do, but if you\\'re too damn lazy to read the book that I personally spent *MONTHS* working on for people like you, don\\'t expect any help from me.
00:23 < rworkman> aldcor: wrong answer.
00:23 < drijen> gtfo
00:23 < Alan_Hicks> Can I do it guys?
00:23 < macavity> naa
00:23 -!- mode/##slackware [+o Alan_Hicks] by ChanServ
< macavity> aldcor: i am starting to get the idea that Ubuntu would be a *great* distro for you
< rworkman> Guess who\\'s late to the party?
< pickcoder> how do you generate a file from an md5sum
< Dominian> I told you I would figure something out that makes everyone happy
< straterra> I\\'m not happy
< straterra> I haven\\'t gotten laid in months
<ezguy> what is the cmd for finding out which ipaddress a user is login from?
<F242> what do I need to set up so that programs located at /usr/bin and /usr/sbin can be executed from anywhere without to have to type /usr/bin/<program>?
<nolyc> It works it works! Omg omg omg! I mean it
compiles. Now what\\'s a segfault ?
<SlayckX> how to use History\\'s command in a Bash?