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Added: 2007-10-24

00:23 < aldcor> go f... yourself ... i will fix my xorg and that\\'s all... i will never read
00:23 < rk4n3> aldcor: you might get some flack when you ask questions without reading the book, though...
00:23 < gremzoid> heh
00:23 < dafunks> O_o
00:23 < drijen> the word you are looking for is fuck.
00:23 < Alan_Hicks> aldcor: You can do whatever the hell you want to do, but if you\\'re too damn lazy to read the book that I personally spent *MONTHS* working on for people like you, don\\'t expect any help from me.
00:23 < rworkman> aldcor: wrong answer.
00:23 < drijen> gtfo
00:23 < Alan_Hicks> Can I do it guys?
00:23 < macavity> naa
00:23 -!- mode/##slackware [+o Alan_Hicks] by ChanServ