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Added: 2008-02-16

<daniel> Got a problem with a mdadm software-raid: I just transfered 4 discs that were originally part of a raid5 to other hardware. The /dev/sdx1 devices are there, but I can't start the raid. It adds all discs as spares
<daniel> Ah
<daniel> Ok, I -A --force'ed them
<daniel> And I hear clicks... wow, now I at least know that I bought the new mobo, cpu and ram in vain because the drive actually *is* bad :-D
<daniel> Gonna test one disk at a time to find out which one is bad

Added: 2008-02-16

<Killab33z> where is my .wine directory?
<sethk> Killab33z, I don't see it here, so you must have it :)

Added: 2008-02-16

< gore_> My Wife and I are going to check it out to see what I can pop in it

Added: 2008-02-16

< Rusty1> fire dept here has all-you-can-eat bkfst tomorrow
< Rusty1> cholesterol testing to follow at ambulance garage

Added: 2008-02-16

<laptor> <sekhmet> I like gentoo but it's very hard :(
<sethk> it's not hard. It's dumb, and it's slow, but it isn't hard.
<sekhmet> sethk: No no, you must be mistaken. Gentoo is OMGFAST. ZOOOOOOOOM!

Added: 2008-02-16

< Triviette> --== Trivia ==-- [category: TV/Movies]
< Triviette> B Movies: This 1956 feature classic proved that Marilyn
< Triviette> actually could act.
< Triviette> Hint: _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Added: 2008-02-15

<ESphynx> hey guys, is there a way to build the kernel driver of the root file system as a module? (and the HD controller (sata) driver as well?)

Added: 2008-02-15

<xp_prg> anyone know a good youtube proxy?

Added: 2008-02-15

<memeyou> can lvm convert a single drive install to a raid - or do i have to backup and restore on a new empty raid?
<memeyou> does that question make sense?
<memeyou> or mdadm, that is

Added: 2008-02-15

<Liono> why i cant see etc/sudoers i have enabled to show hidden files

There are 2270 quotes.