<CarlFK> how do I get sudo to sudo the >> to? sudo cat fstab.txt >> /etc/fstab
<SiegeX> when emacs gains conscienceness do you think it will have a weight complex?
* fred takes volkerdi to a lemon party ?_?
< volkerdi> A fun math trick is to figure out how long it will take before there is not enough matter in the Universe to make an Emacs binary.
<Anarkhi> anyone here?
<theatro> just ask
<Anarkhi> i have
* theatro has quit ("Mummy, do robots make babies?")
<Anarkhi> dumbass. read up next time and quit throwing a fit and quiting -.-
* spook fscks Dominian
< gore_> straterra: you should check out a band named Acid Bath, you'd like it
< straterra> Lies
< gore_> What kind of music do you like?
< BP{k}> straterra: you just want all the fun ;)
< straterra> BP{k}: You caught me
< straterra> gore_: something that doesn't scare the goats
< JKwood> straterra: Their cd has goat pr0n on it.
< JKwood> You'd love it.
03:24 < mwalling_> we're a bread 'n butter client for MS
03:24 < mwalling_> i get all sorts of cool toys
03:25 < macavity> that was an oxymoron right there..
03:25 < mwalling_> macavity: ...
03:25 < JKwood> client for MS?
03:25 < JKwood> Yep.
03:25 < mwalling_> er
03:25 < mwalling_> s/for/of/
< peacedog> So free hardware + money = herpes blamed on the dog? O.K.
< gore_> brb need to run out to my car and grab that POS laptop and desktop and email so I can giggle
< straterra> A married man..giggling? Last time I saw that was in San Francisco...
< straterra> *cringe*
< mwalling_> heh
* mwalling_ giggles
< mwalling_> wow.... take that back... that was exceptionally gay